
Review Detail of CalciumLurcher in Gargantuan Leviathan In Against The Gods

Details zur Rezension


it feels too rushed, like he spends a couple minutes or hours looking around and then goes to sleep for 20 years and now he's powerful. it also feels forced, like the reasoning behind characters doing something isn't explained, and everyone does whatever the mc wants them to do. there needs to be more logic behind decisions and more detailed descriptions of things and places. in my opinion the mc is progressing too fast, and it doesn't feel like he's earned that power, I get that the mc is meant to be overpowered, but there is no struggle at the beginning, and it's more like everything's just being handed to him. I like the idea of the mc being op and unparalleled, but not from the start. I believe it's more entertaining when the mc stumbled into coincidence after coincidence and nearly dies before getting the hang of things. in my opinion the mc was too calm about being reincarnated, I would still linger on the fact, shocked that I'm in another world. I hope this review is taken as constructive criticism.

Gargantuan Leviathan In Against The Gods


Beliebt bei 3 Personen




what is want is weak to strong not op