
Review Detail of Aodha in In A Marvelous World With DnD Books

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So far I really like the story and the novel, it has a interesting take on MCU crossover (kinda) fanfics, I like how he isn't given a ridiculously overpower cheat from the start like a system or world hopping powers (yet ;D). I am though very interested to see what happens when Eric not only masters the druid class and every other class, will a new special one appear that he needs to master before obtaining the next one or will he have a selection to higher tiered classes not seen in D&D that can drastically increase his powers in the MCU and turn him into a god maybe? I like the consistency of chapters 1 a day keeps the corona away, 2-3 a day will be like an early christmas/birthday. Good chapter length as well, id prefer if it was longer but thats just wanting to read more of the novel. The only complaint of mine would be him saying "owie" twice and "yippy" once, sounds a bit childish for a grown ass man. Overall Great story keep it up and I can't wait to read more of it cause I find that usually the best novels/fan-fics either getting dropped or thrown in the hiatus bin for centuries and I don't want this story to be like that.

In A Marvelous World With DnD Books


Beliebt bei 12 Personen




He is a bit childish at times to not break from the reality that he has been thrown into a fictional world, so its either childish or emo drama or finally insanity. He should get that looked at.