
Review Detail of ARedFox in The Familia Head was Reborn as a Wolf in Another World

Details zur Rezension


I can't say too much but I'll write what I know. Do take it with a grain of salt. I'll leave a TLDR above a longer explanation if you actually care. It is also important to note I haven't unlocked any of the locked chapters yet. TL;DR - A fun story with only a few issues. 1. Writing quality needs some work. Somebody else complained about the venomous/poisonous part, so I won't go into that. There are issues with plurality and a few grammatical errors. Putting it in some program, even a google doc, would help significantly. There are also paragraphs which run on the long side. 2. Update stability. I can't really say anything here because I haven't been paying attention long enough. I'll leave it at four because the author started the year with lots of chapter but now hasn't updated in 4 days. 3. Story development. It isn't anything that gets my heart racing but it isn't bad. There is a good amount of level skipage that gets summed up in a few sentences, but I don't dislike it. It works well. There is one or two plot points which feel somewhat forced, but it isn't too bad. 4. Character design. Again, it isn't anything too special, but it isn't bad. No real development has happened yet, but the story just started. I do wish we got some time to listen to the character think or have thoughts about things that aren't related to fighting or what is directly around him. 5. World background. I found this to be a little lacking, but just a little. There are a few unexplained things and under explained things. Sometimes it feels like the author forgot to explain it or just intentionally ignored it. See the 7, 8, and 9 in the portion below for more. Personal issues/concerns/hopes: 1. It got contracted rather early at chapter 37. I personally think authors should wait till chapter 60 unless it's super good or a must read. This so far is neither. It would be more understandable if this actually had a rating at the time of me writing this review, but it doesn't. It also has less than 35k views as of now. 2. I also hope the mc doesn't fight or really get involved with the flying things by/on the cliff (if you read it you understand). I don't want to read another story with that. 3. I also hope he doesn't meet his old comrades. While it wouldn't be cliche, I just can't image myself liking it. If he had been with them the whole time or we got their perspective occasionally I wouldn't mind it, but we don't. 4. The author doesn't use the authors comment/note area at the end of chapters, which isn't bad, but I wish they did. It makes it more enjoyable for me. It also means I have no idea of their plans going forward. I also haven't seen any replies or likes to others comments by the author. 5. I am worried about stability of updates. The chapters started at the start of this year, but the next chapter hasn't been posted in 4 days. There is also no schedule given by the author which increases the uncertainty. 6. I hope the author gives a average word count, even if it's just an estimate. It's not a big deal, but it'd be nice. Below might contain very minor spoilers. It won't ruin the story because these things are very common in other stories about other worlds, but I still thought it important. . . . . . . . 7. I think that assess should at some point if not now, give the tier and rarity of what's being assessed. The mc fights a lot, but I feel that being an upgraded form/existence (if you read it you'll understand) is too common for the things he fights. Either that or the things his species is really weak. He struggles quite a bit and it would help with both story development and background if we could know how common and strong what he's fighting against is. 8. I hope at some point we find out just how rare things are. Knowing something has been designated as rare doesn't help much if we don't know how many levels are above it and how rare it actually is. 9. We don't know how levels worked and I wish a brief explanation was given. For example, we don't know if you receive a reduced amount of exp for killing things at a lower tier than you. We don't know how much levels affect stats. We don't know if killing things at a higher tier grants more. We don't know if the rarity/strength of the creature matters for exp. We don't know if exp is only granted to the person who gets the kill. We don't know generally how much exp is needed or how much the mc needs. Etc.

The Familia Head was Reborn as a Wolf in Another World


Beliebt bei 22 Personen




I think it's because he's a wolf and wolves are inherently pack animals, and even before that he was in a group of people he was close to... He is as of now is a "lone wolf"...


Hello, so I am the author. About not being able to reply. Well, it is because my contract is a non-exclusive that's why the official publisher of this book is not me. I don't know how much I could say but I'll just say that the program that we the non-exclusive authors are using is a separate program from webnovel that's why we can't use the author's note. I hope that cleared some things up.


Great in depth review! definitely highlights the main concerns and positives of the story!


Great review:) Easy to understand



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I appreciate the detail in your review as well as the content. Rather well put.