
Review Detail of ImNotNarcissistic in I'm a God in an Online Game

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Another video game novel where the mc becomes a ‘npc’ inside the game. My expectations for this ain’t too high, just expect it to be as good as The Legendary Mechanic... Not too high, right...?

I'm a God in an Online Game

One Step to Mundane

Beliebt bei 57 Personen




To keep it short, budget cuts.

Noteworthy:does anyone know why, it's 40 chapters now?

does anyone know why, it's 40 chapters now?


Apparently it’s to get new books to us faster...😑 We still get 4-6 books every week and the only difference now would be how there are only 40 chapters and almost half of them are locked. To be honest, I think that Webnovel is just too lazy to translate 60 chapters because only one or two books of every batch would get picked, leaving behind up to 300 chapters worth of wasted time and effort put into translating them.

Noteworthy:does anyone know why, it's 40 chapters now?

anyone know the raw?

ImNotNarcissistic:Apparently it’s to get new books to us faster...😑 We still get 4-6 books every week and the only difference now would be how there are only 40 chapters and almost half of them are locked. To be honest, I think that Webnovel is just too lazy to translate 60 chapters because only one or two books of every batch would get picked, leaving behind up to 300 chapters worth of wasted time and effort put into translating them.

The updated policy of webnovel, 40 chapters for trial read with 20 chapters free. If the novel have been chosen and win in the voting pool the last 20 chapters in the trial read will be free... Based on my understanding about the new policy of the web novel regardinv the trial read...

Noteworthy:does anyone know why, it's 40 chapters now?

Don't get your hope too high, or you will vomit blood later


the mc becomes pnj? why can't I see anything you just said?


The cost for translating 60 chapters for every novel in trial was too much so they reduced it to 40 to spend less on translation.

Noteworthy:does anyone know why, it's 40 chapters now?

Now its 3 novels

ImNotNarcissistic:Apparently it’s to get new books to us faster...😑 We still get 4-6 books every week and the only difference now would be how there are only 40 chapters and almost half of them are locked. To be honest, I think that Webnovel is just too lazy to translate 60 chapters because only one or two books of every batch would get picked, leaving behind up to 300 chapters worth of wasted time and effort put into translating them.

oh it's similar to mechanic novel sweet from the discription I thought it's some random player who joined the game with God mode which sounded shit like where the story where the plot where the struggle where the character development


Legendary Mechanic? That novel is SO GOOD! I have stopped reading it when the Germinal Arc was finished and although the MC keeps talking about the outer space but with the chapters that first seem like a filler and just made the story stretched but when I came back and read it again IT was EVEN BETTER than the Germinal Arc! I understand if this story isn't as good because the Legendary Mechanic kinda reminds me of One Piece where I thought that the MC is gonna be super strong really fast and beat everyone who are like Grade A when he was only at Grade C. Plus with the amount of One Piece reference helped too.


yea right..... a lot of "new" books, and a lot of good books being dropped by that money making scheme of theirs

ImNotNarcissistic:Apparently it’s to get new books to us faster...😑 We still get 4-6 books every week and the only difference now would be how there are only 40 chapters and almost half of them are locked. To be honest, I think that Webnovel is just too lazy to translate 60 chapters because only one or two books of every batch would get picked, leaving behind up to 300 chapters worth of wasted time and effort put into translating them.

actually just because there greedy mf

ImNotNarcissistic:Apparently it’s to get new books to us faster...😑 We still get 4-6 books every week and the only difference now would be how there are only 40 chapters and almost half of them are locked. To be honest, I think that Webnovel is just too lazy to translate 60 chapters because only one or two books of every batch would get picked, leaving behind up to 300 chapters worth of wasted time and effort put into translating them.

yea lol there are books right now tht are gems that i would love to read yet they are just sitting there because of ........................................ yea that reason is why webnovel isn't picking them back up

MochiFeelings:yea right..... a lot of "new" books, and a lot of good books being dropped by that money making scheme of theirs

I'd be afraid to continue playing this character and starting to get attached. The Dev's will eventually fix the "Bug."


he isnt a npc ...