
Review Detail of Vistarion in Wolf Bloodline

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On average, I read 600 pages of fantasy books a day for 10-15 years. When I decide to read a new book from a wide variety of titles, I make decisions based on the author's description and negative comments. Your description does not attract me in any way, not only that it is based on boring stereotypes. There is no information about mc in the announcement yet. There is only a boring story about the heir to the throne that seems to decide the fate of the world. Apart from the IQ of the king and his sons, and the astonishing public opinion at a time when reigning by force is quite normal. Apart from the illogical introduction to the world, comments are a problem too. Only short and meaningless 5 * on the new author's book, which means fake accounts or friendships. In the worst case, no one would even give a solid comment ... For these reasons, I will not read this book. And by assessing the introduction, I rate the book 2 *. The lack of a real world building, iq king, princes, society oscillates between idiocy and unreal. Which also quite strongly indicates the future iq mc. (I got to this book via Serra's comment below another book, she is lv1 reader I wonder if its just proxy of author-its just sad to lie like that) Serrra LV 1 Serrra Hello there, since last year my friend is writing a book. His book is about bloodlines, kingdoms, and superpowers. The problem is he is not getting any support. I told him to share on a couple of sites but it didn't get any attention. If you guys can check that out and leave a comment it would be really good for him. Have a good day. The book's name is: Wolf Bloodline

Wolf Bloodline


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Master, calm down

Antarcticaismine:Yeah, listen to this guy because he reads a lot because this guy reads 600 pages.

You don't even have time to read a book, you're here interpreting the book. Are you sure you've read 600 pages?


You could have said that as a warning, you didn't have to go under everyone and write it down. You did it just like Serra, and you're no different.


Don't follow this Wolf Bloodline, the Author(Serrra=shameless author) is using all of my comments to promote. I rate his book at 2* don't recommend and don't like being used like that.

Champishere:You could have said that as a warning, you didn't have to go under everyone and write it down. You did it just like Serra, and you're no different.

Yeah, listen to this guy because he reads a lot because this guy reads 600 pages.


I don't know how happy you are with what you're doing, but what you're doing is not nice. If you don't like it, say it and get out.


So f funny 3guys commenting same time... dude we can see timestamp stop pretending... all 3 accounts are yours. So lame.


1)Dude you promote your book on someone's comments(in this case on 3 of my comments, under 3 different books)... Instead of commenting your work by yourself in your comments, you borrow people comments. So its not up to you to tell me "If you don't like it, say it and get out." ->its you copy pasting trash to my comments(I have to live with it). 2)You pretend that its your friend who is promoting but its you on proxy account. 3) You commented/mobed my comment with 3 proxy accounts at the same time, in total you have at least 4proxy accounts(you don't even bother to write comment on different timestamps that are all same time). Its totally illegal on web novel to fake promote content. So don't " but what you're doing is not nice. If you don't like it, say it and get out.".

Elenaeditora:I don't know how happy you are with what you're doing, but what you're doing is not nice. If you don't like it, say it and get out.