
Review Detail of _MR_FOOL_ in Scoring the Sacred Body of the Ancients from the Get-go

Details zur Rezension


I've read the raws while chapters upto 100 might be interesting in this novel after that it becomes too repeatative for eg : Mc super handsome > girl watch mc and fall in love> some heaven chosen kid see his girl falling for someone > he challenge mc > mc bust his balls > mc apathetic to girl same thing keeps on going its interesting at first but then its too repeatative

Scoring the Sacred Body of the Ancients from the Get-go

God J

Beliebt bei 15 Personen




If you have better suggest some then


what novel nowadays aren't repetitive anyway? just leave if you just want to lower ratings.


I have caught upto the mtls like 600 chaps and yeah this repetition is there, but honestly mc treats all women beneath him and even manipulates a few women. This novel is anyway way better than the common cultivation novels bcoz it's fun reading how the typical cliche plotarmor MCs fall infront of mc


So you think every novel should only be given good ratings and that everyone who thinks a novel is bad should just go find another one? That's really stupid...

Smashed_Egg:what novel nowadays aren't repetitive anyway? just leave if you just want to lower ratings.