
Review Detail of Rildec in Reverend Insanity: Against the tide

Details zur Rezension


if you're expecting an op mc then look elsewhere. if you're expecting a competent mc then look elsewhere. if you're expecting wish fulfillment, badass mc, cunning mc, or even a non generic mc? look elsewhere. my first impressions of the main character have been lack luster so far. Bullied, then manipulated, ostracized, and again bullied and manipulated? It seems like authors writing a generic tragic character in which the world jut won't give him a break. Any bravado mc had from the beginning is literally beaten from him, leaving him armless, with low potential and almost resigned to his life. He clings to doing the right thing even when he is in some of the worst positions to be in. Maybe the author wants to draw emotion, a feeling of unwavering justice, but it comes off as a pathetic, last ditch effort to both end the suffering he has resigned himself and to do the right thing, adding some type of worth to his life. It looks like mc will be setup as tragic underappreciated martyr repeatedly until he has to contend with fang yuan in some kind of good vs evil battle. What attracted people to reading the original probably won't apply to this fanfic. If you like an unwavering fool in the face of a hopeless situation, striving for what he thinks is right then maybe this is for you. As the writing quality and grammar are a step above atleast 95% of what comes into webnovel. The author might say its from weak to strong but i don't think mc will ever truly be "strong" atleast compared to what author will make him face. Maybe weak to decent. TLDR Writing is good, grammar is good, mc is naive/foolish and gets himself into trouble a lot, while trouble also seems to find him.

Reverend Insanity: Against the tide


Beliebt bei 31 Personen




Phew! 😅 Looks like I haven't made you a fan but your analysis was spot on about the character of the MC! He has a good heart but is very weak in the beginning. He will become strong. I promise 🤞 (at least from volume 2 he will go toe to toe with his enemies).