
Review Detail of RatDotoKing in Villain Cultivator

Details zur Rezension


This webnovel is an absolute masterpiece. I've spent thousands of hours reading webnovels, and I am pretty sure there's many on this website who've done the same. This goes out to those avid webnovel readers like me, I guarantee this novel is worth reading. I am gonna try and break down the novel into it's elements and explain why you should/shouldn't read this. PROS: 1. Regarding the characters: Characters are well fleshed out, even side characters. They actually seem like human beings with emotions, goals, interests. Also, there's no ridiculously dumb 2-dimensional filler characters/villains. Unlike other webnovels you can't read 2-3 lines about a character, and instantly tell whether they're common mob A, a villain whose just gonna be MC's "stepping stone", or some sidekick to unconditionally bend over for MC. Avid webnovel readers know what I am talking about. 2. Regarding the plot: The novel is dynamic, and intriguing because it's hard to guess what's gonna happen next, and there's an actual sense of tension for the reader. It's not one of those novels where the MC starts out against the weak villains and the strong villains only come out of the novel after MC has powered up enough to handle them. Plot twists in the novel actually make sense and aren't there just because the author thinks it's about time to throw in a plot twist. As far as I've read it's also great that there's no blatantly obvious plot holes. 3. Regarding the MC: The main character isn't cliche MC isn't an extremely talented supreme genius. He doesn't have an unbreakable will to move mountains. He doesn't have an unwavering heart of justice. MC isn't one of those you've insulted my petty pride so I am gonna murder your entire clan, kill all the women and children, raze the buildings, and kill the dog. Nor is MC one of those perfect do gooders that's gonna help every side character that's nice to him/he likes. He's not gonna be like "You gave me an apple so I am gonna protect your family from the demon king and turn you into a super powerful fighter capable of destroying mountains." MC is human. MC is relatable because you can imagine yourself being capable of doing/reacting the same way in those situations. MC is looking out for his own interest and trying to stay alive. He's training to grow stronger to survive, but his growth is reasonable and understandable. 4. Regarding world building: The world/environment the author depicts makes sense and isn't something unreasonable/unimaginable. In fact it makes more sense than common cultivation novel depictions of the world if cultivators existed. There's no walls of text describing the ungodly beauty of a garden/lake or how huge a mountain range that's only gonna appear once in the story is. Descriptions and world building are to the point, enough to let the reader learn more about the environment the MC, while not boring the reader. 5. Novel has humour and a bit of fan service in it: In my personal opinion I also like that the author balances humour and tension throughout the novel. Plot and tension is good, but the author also includes a bit of "fun" stuff for the reader to enjoy, MC doesn't stay a virgin just because he's a complete wimp. CONS/CON: As far as I know most of the people who didn't like/didn't continue reading the novel stopped because of how dark it can be at times. MC is coldblooded, and it may be off-putting to those used to reading novels where the MC is a champion of justice. MC here won't hesitate to use any means at his disposal to achieve his goals, ABSOLUTELY ANY, and I say that without the least bit of exaggeration. You're gonna read many novels about so called evil MCs, but the MC in this story makes many of them pale in comparison. In Conclusion/TLDR: If you took the time to read all that/skipped everything and are wondering whether to read it or not, read the first 40 chapters. You're almost certain to get hooked.

Villain Cultivator


Beliebt bei 216 Personen




I mean, I only use Qidian/Webnovel to find the titles, I am not really rich enough to actually spend money on the novels here, I just come on here look for the titles and descriptions, and just google for unlocked chapters. Villain Cultivator has so far been the only exception for me, it's like the only one I am actually using my daily free passes to read. I have this thing where I can't read a novel, unless it has several volumes or 100/150+ chapters out, like I won't even consider reading it unless I am really desperate. Apart from that I mostly use NovelUpdates, another website which links up the chapters real nicely. So I have to say it was quite smart of you to guess that I have another "account" or that I read the novels in some other form, kudos to you for it.

EverythingRelevant:Lol im not trying to put down ur review or anything but when i read thousands of hours reading webnovels i checked ur profile and it said 20.9 hours read and i thought that was pretty hilarious, but im not saying u didnt read thousands of hours maybe u did on a different account. I do completey agree with ur review tho. 👍

Good review!


By your description, the MC sounds like the MC from Warlock of the Magus World, which I really enjoyed. I'm on 4th chapter but I look forward to the next ones, thanks for the informative review.


When you finished the Germinal Arc don't drop it because it seems like the author is forcing the plot (even though he mentioned space LOTS of times throughout the story and isn't really that force.) After the Germinal Arc it may seem like it's not interesting anymore but when he really gets there it's quality doesn't drop (to me at least, I can't speak for everyone because everyone have different opinions.)

mmtf:By your description, the MC sounds like the MC from Warlock of the Magus World, which I really enjoyed. I'm on 4th chapter but I look forward to the next ones, thanks for the informative review.

To be honest he reminded me of Leylin Farlier as well, but I am loving this novel more because the MC isn't as OP as Leylin. Warlock of the Magus World got kinda boring when it just turned to power up, beat up, power up, beat up, repeat. Of course it had it's great moments as well. On the other hand you've also got a evil MC here, but because the enemies he's going up against/the dangers he's facing are challenging, it seems way more interesting, there's actually an element of suspense which keeps you wanting to read more.

mmtf:By your description, the MC sounds like the MC from Warlock of the Magus World, which I really enjoyed. I'm on 4th chapter but I look forward to the next ones, thanks for the informative review.

I've read the entire novel though. Near the start, Leylin's "plot armor"/ability to grow unhindered sort of makes sense but after the underground arc the plot armor gets a bit on the thicker side. Still one of the best novels I've ever read though.

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I was talking about this novel though...

RatDotoKing:I've read the entire novel though. Near the start, Leylin's "plot armor"/ability to grow unhindered sort of makes sense but after the underground arc the plot armor gets a bit on the thicker side. Still one of the best novels I've ever read though.

The MC is a psycopath who loves violence. He’s crazy. I don’t know where you’re getting this, “He’s a human like the rest of us,” vibe. But the MC is certainly not normal and I love it.


Lol im not trying to put down ur review or anything but when i read thousands of hours reading webnovels i checked ur profile and it said 20.9 hours read and i thought that was pretty hilarious, but im not saying u didnt read thousands of hours maybe u did on a different account. I do completey agree with ur review tho. 👍


" I am pretty sure there's many on this website who've done the same " What u mean ? I don't even know this website... Tf bru i've never read something called *webnovel* lol?


I mean there's also people who might be new to webnovels, so I was saying it that way because of that. In my opinion, someone new to webnovels might find it hard to stomach an "evil" protagonist like the one in this novel. On the other hand, once you've read a lot of webnovels, you'll probably have already come across some real psychopathic MCs, not mention many of them will start to feel the same/similar. You'll start to see cliches and tropes everywhere. Although this novel also makes use of those very same elements, it manages to to do so in a completely different way. At least for me it was like a breath of fresh air, something new and innovative, which made me appreciate it a lot more. If I had started reading this webnovel when I had first gotten into reading stories online, then I sure as hell would have frowned upon the main character, nor would I have been able to appreciate the story as is.

Kyn:" I am pretty sure there's many on this website who've done the same " What u mean ? I don't even know this website... Tf bru i've never read something called *webnovel* lol?

I'm doing exactly the same thing since a good time for now. Lmao. I have thousands ( prob ) of hours reading here, but it only count the time in the app (?) idk why. Lmao *nfull*gang

RatDotoKing:I mean, I only use Qidian/Webnovel to find the titles, I am not really rich enough to actually spend money on the novels here, I just come on here look for the titles and descriptions, and just google for unlocked chapters. Villain Cultivator has so far been the only exception for me, it's like the only one I am actually using my daily free passes to read. I have this thing where I can't read a novel, unless it has several volumes or 100/150+ chapters out, like I won't even consider reading it unless I am really desperate. Apart from that I mostly use NovelUpdates, another website which links up the chapters real nicely. So I have to say it was quite smart of you to guess that I have another "account" or that I read the novels in some other form, kudos to you for it.

Ye i got your point, dont worry. ;') ( U prob didn't saw my lvl ) I think we can share some books here, btw. U are prob tired with all of this amount of not-so-good-new-novels popping out there. I'll mark this book here to read later, cuz i can't read novels without at least 150+ chapters too and, for what u've said, i think u have a really good opinion about that. Plus: have u tried God of Fishing, The Oracle Paths and Re:Immortal ? I'm reading a lot of novels but i have these three on my focus rn, they're pretty good. Try it later if u haven't already. Peace

RatDotoKing:I mean there's also people who might be new to webnovels, so I was saying it that way because of that. In my opinion, someone new to webnovels might find it hard to stomach an "evil" protagonist like the one in this novel. On the other hand, once you've read a lot of webnovels, you'll probably have already come across some real psychopathic MCs, not mention many of them will start to feel the same/similar. You'll start to see cliches and tropes everywhere. Although this novel also makes use of those very same elements, it manages to to do so in a completely different way. At least for me it was like a breath of fresh air, something new and innovative, which made me appreciate it a lot more. If I had started reading this webnovel when I had first gotten into reading stories online, then I sure as hell would have frowned upon the main character, nor would I have been able to appreciate the story as is.

I saw the describtion and was: meh maybe. Saw this: man here we go again I blame you for the tim I will waste not studying now


Well, you only live life once, enjoy it [img=recommend]

risjut:I saw the describtion and was: meh maybe. Saw this: man here we go again I blame you for the tim I will waste not studying now

As a rule of thumb, I tend to avoid slice of life, or anything that sounds slice of life unless it has comedy, so the fishing one's a no go for me. The other 2 I've heard of but been on the fence about. Guess I'll try em out. Also I know you said you want to wait for more chapters, but you should read whatever is unlocked already, cause it will take quite a few days to unlock the chapters if you don't spend money. Aka it took me like 2-3 months to unlock 150 something chapters, so yeah. I have the same thing where if a novel doesn't have the chapters, no matter how INSANELY much I LOVE the synopsis, I just won't read it.

Kyn:Ye i got your point, dont worry. ;') ( U prob didn't saw my lvl ) I think we can share some books here, btw. U are prob tired with all of this amount of not-so-good-new-novels popping out there. I'll mark this book here to read later, cuz i can't read novels without at least 150+ chapters too and, for what u've said, i think u have a really good opinion about that. Plus: have u tried God of Fishing, The Oracle Paths and Re:Immortal ? I'm reading a lot of novels but i have these three on my focus rn, they're pretty good. Try it later if u haven't already. Peace

Also, would love to get and share recommendations from/with a fellow veteran.

RatDotoKing:As a rule of thumb, I tend to avoid slice of life, or anything that sounds slice of life unless it has comedy, so the fishing one's a no go for me. The other 2 I've heard of but been on the fence about. Guess I'll try em out. Also I know you said you want to wait for more chapters, but you should read whatever is unlocked already, cause it will take quite a few days to unlock the chapters if you don't spend money. Aka it took me like 2-3 months to unlock 150 something chapters, so yeah. I have the same thing where if a novel doesn't have the chapters, no matter how INSANELY much I LOVE the synopsis, I just won't read it.

Oh. I don't like slice of life pure, but sometimes i think it's good to relax. Thanks for the advice, i'm almost finished unlocking a novel with 700+ chapters... I guess it'll take just 2~3 weeks to finish, then i'll start to unlock this one, prob it'll be quite fast, cuz i'm lvl 6, i get 3 FP/day. ;D

RatDotoKing:As a rule of thumb, I tend to avoid slice of life, or anything that sounds slice of life unless it has comedy, so the fishing one's a no go for me. The other 2 I've heard of but been on the fence about. Guess I'll try em out. Also I know you said you want to wait for more chapters, but you should read whatever is unlocked already, cause it will take quite a few days to unlock the chapters if you don't spend money. Aka it took me like 2-3 months to unlock 150 something chapters, so yeah. I have the same thing where if a novel doesn't have the chapters, no matter how INSANELY much I LOVE the synopsis, I just won't read it.

Oh, and u should try God of Fishing, trust me.

RatDotoKing:As a rule of thumb, I tend to avoid slice of life, or anything that sounds slice of life unless it has comedy, so the fishing one's a no go for me. The other 2 I've heard of but been on the fence about. Guess I'll try em out. Also I know you said you want to wait for more chapters, but you should read whatever is unlocked already, cause it will take quite a few days to unlock the chapters if you don't spend money. Aka it took me like 2-3 months to unlock 150 something chapters, so yeah. I have the same thing where if a novel doesn't have the chapters, no matter how INSANELY much I LOVE the synopsis, I just won't read it.

Good review