
Review Detail of plot_racer in Another Side Of The Universe

Details zur Rezension


Hi. i would like to say that i love your story another side of the universe. the characters in the story are really well written especially axion she is a really mysterious, bold and confident protagonist . I started reading this for captain kaizo but after some time I became more indulged in axion's mysterious personality and her cute moments with captain kaizo. i laughed while reading when ramenman teases kaizo about his crush on axion and kaizo will have to acknowledge that his bestfriend is ramenman even if he denies it. kaixo and axion have some kind of chemistry going on between them even if they both hide it well from each other from knowing it (not for long) and kaizo is probably hideing his feelings because caring for someone makes him weak but in reality hiding his true feelings and bottling it up is what makes him weak i don't mean physically weak rather mentally thinking that he should be the best and hiding and putting a poker face on whenever his jealousy for captain albi and care for axion seems to show. i think i went too off for review and too deep into psychology. Anyway i love this novel and i hope this review is good enough this is my first time writing a review of a novel and please update soon or if you are busy with something just take your time we will be waiting till then. Also are you planning on writing more axion and captain kaizo stories aside from another side of the universe ,maybe in the future??? Bye (also congratulations on writing more than 100 chapters on webnovel )

Another Side Of The Universe


Beliebt bei 2 Personen




That's great,i will definitely look forward to your story's update.

NoxRavenA:OMG!! Thank you so much for your kind feedback. I'm so sorry for the slow update. I still have plans for this story so yeah, I'm gonna write more. Please look forward to it.

OMG!! Thank you so much for your kind feedback. I'm so sorry for the slow update. I still have plans for this story so yeah, I'm gonna write more. Please look forward to it.