
Review Detail of Tayyab_Hassan in Level Up Family

Details zur Rezension


It's not complete than why are you saying it's a complete novel.............................................................................

Level Up Family


Beliebt bei 3 Personen




Mean's the novel has been dropped, read the authors note in the final chapter


If it's dropped then add that to the title or don't mark it as complete

ShadowsFinger:Mean's the novel has been dropped, read the authors note in the final chapter

That is not under my control, Webnovel has no opinion for dropped in their UI.

Darnelljoe:If it's dropped then add that to the title or don't mark it as complete

That's BS. It could easily mislead a lot of readers. Who would start by checking the last chapter and reading its AN? Furthermore, you need to unlock the said chapter to read it. You could have easily put a [Dropped] in the Title or write one explaining in the Description it is 'dropped'.

ShadowsFinger:That is not under my control, Webnovel has no opinion for dropped in their UI.

Description > Synopsis

Primordial_Origin:That's BS. It could easily mislead a lot of readers. Who would start by checking the last chapter and reading its AN? Furthermore, you need to unlock the said chapter to read it. You could have easily put a [Dropped] in the Title or write one explaining in the Description it is 'dropped'.

Sadly, there is no way to edit, a title that has already been contracted, as such it is done way you see it. Yes, you're right about the description though, I had almost forgotten about it, I did create a review though stating that it was dropped.

Primordial_Origin:That's BS. It could easily mislead a lot of readers. Who would start by checking the last chapter and reading its AN? Furthermore, you need to unlock the said chapter to read it. You could have easily put a [Dropped] in the Title or write one explaining in the Description it is 'dropped'.

I see. Didn't know that. Still you could still do the 'synopsis' one. Not all read reviews before reading and not all who read reviews is guaranteed to read your review. I saw in one of your other story that you marked as 'completed' when it really isn't... Someone said that he felt cheated. He only read stories that are completed, then he later on spent his coins to read your story just to find out later that it isn't finish. Imagine what he felt. What others felt. Surely a lot has experienced the same thing especially due to 3 of yours story's status is marked that way. Even I almost got included on it. As an author you shouldn't scam your way out to gain readers or cheat would be readers to gain money through spending their coins by attracting readers who only read completed ones when clearly your stories isn't. Not saying you really want and intend to. But when you clearly could do something about it, but refuse to do so...then that's just shameless. Hope your start to change it soon and put in the 'synopsis' the real STATUS of your books. Others might not read reviews, but surely most read the entire synopsis before reading a story.

ShadowsFinger:Sadly, there is no way to edit, a title that has already been contracted, as such it is done way you see it. Yes, you're right about the description though, I had almost forgotten about it, I did create a review though stating that it was dropped.

Nah, I just figured people could clearly tell these things, not a matter of scamming out to gain, this series was hardly earning anything, to begin with. I am sure quite a lot of authors on here have done quite worse, still, I will consider putting something in the descriptions, to see if it makes a difference.

Primordial_Origin:I see. Didn't know that. Still you could still do the 'synopsis' one. Not all read reviews before reading and not all who read reviews is guaranteed to read your review. I saw in one of your other story that you marked as 'completed' when it really isn't... Someone said that he felt cheated. He only read stories that are completed, then he later on spent his coins to read your story just to find out later that it isn't finish. Imagine what he felt. What others felt. Surely a lot has experienced the same thing especially due to 3 of yours story's status is marked that way. Even I almost got included on it. As an author you shouldn't scam your way out to gain readers or cheat would be readers to gain money through spending their coins by attracting readers who only read completed ones when clearly your stories isn't. Not saying you really want and intend to. But when you clearly could do something about it, but refuse to do so...then that's just shameless. Hope your start to change it soon and put in the 'synopsis' the real STATUS of your books. Others might not read reviews, but surely most read the entire synopsis before reading a story.

thanks for the warning. I'm removing it from my library

ShadowsFinger:Mean's the novel has been dropped, read the authors note in the final chapter

Sure, no problem

DRACO137:thanks for the warning. I'm removing it from my library