
Review Detail of Resurgent in Shadow

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This novel is a good read and refreshing compared to other ones of same genre. Especially with how the author used the "Reincarnation" trope here. I loved some of the MC's tricks and schemes and they way he uses his brain. If anyone asked me what is the one quality in this novel that stood out, I would say its the world building in this novel. It has been thoroughly detailed but I feel like it also caused a slight drawback since things were too detailed or maybe the novel focuses on it too much. I hoped to see more action and drama or maybe the novel is designed to follow the world building way. Coming to cons, I feel like the novel focuses too much on politics and less action. Also I feel like the MC is a 200 year old grandpa with the way he acts with his "wives" and potential girlfriends. I mean he seems way too mature for his age even though I know he had some "experiences" from his memories and stuff but still I felt like it made the character a bit boring or bland I might say. I wish the author could just look into this part. Coming to the romance part, same issue as above. Because of his character its a bit tough to see good romantic chemistry. And some relationships seemed a bit forced. If I might say the way I read it I feel like the MC feels "obligated" to spend time with his girls instead of "wanting/desiring" to spend time with them. I don't know if the author would get what I am trying to say. I just wish the MC would have more romantic feelings and attractions towards them. Or I might say to make him more proactive. Anyways besides these cons, it is an enjoyable read and I know how tough it is churn out chapters every day. I appreciate the author's imagination and hard work for coming up with this novel. Hope the author keep's up his good work! [img=recommend]



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Well, that is how it might seem in the beginning, but as the story progress, so do their relationship and there is emotional build-up. Hope this helps!

ErjasD:Well, I'm talking about that "MC is obligated to spend time with his harem" .😕

Thanks for the review, I appreciate the analysis and appreciate to know what has worked so far and what needs improving. As for the action in the story, there will be more of it as I write the new chapters. The next arc will have more fighting scenes, and there will be more emphasis on it. I am working on the aspects of romance and his character more on the next arc too. Thanks for the review and I am glad to know your opinion.


I'm here because of the romance and harem. But if what you said about the romance is true then...nope😔

GloriouslyFamous:Thanks for the review, I appreciate the analysis and appreciate to know what has worked so far and what needs improving. As for the action in the story, there will be more of it as I write the new chapters. The next arc will have more fighting scenes, and there will be more emphasis on it. I am working on the aspects of romance and his character more on the next arc too. Thanks for the review and I am glad to know your opinion.

I'm here because of the romance and harem. But if what you said about the romance is true then...nope


I am not sure what you mean. But if it helps, romance, harem along and with a few more tags remain central elements in the story.

ErjasD:I'm here because of the romance and harem. But if what you said about the romance is true then...nope😔

Well, I'm talking about that "MC is obligated to spend time with his harem" .😕

GloriouslyFamous:I am not sure what you mean. But if it helps, romance, harem along and with a few more tags remain central elements in the story.