
Review Detail of SummaScriptor in Battle Ready (Pokemon Fanfic)

Details zur Rezension


I do have a few issues with this novel, not including the fact that its been passed around quite a few times. The beginning is basically a carbon copy of the first pokemon episode right down to the flock of Spearows which really lacks creativity. You could've at least changed a few things but I guess I can let it go for now. Other then a few other errors, this story truly is very well written and probably deserves a chance. Let me explain my reasoning. Writing Quality- Excellently written for a mere fanfic to the point where I'd say the author actually has a talent for storytelling. There are few grammatical errors and even then it doesn't take away from the phenomenal way the story is told. The writer truly knows how to draw a picture in my head and I commend him for that. 4 Stars Stability- A bit wonky so far but the sheer length of some of the chaps more then make up for it. Hope this improves as it goes along. I'm rooting for you author. 4 Stars Story Development- As I said before, the first ten chaps are just a revised version of the first episode. However, once you dive into it, for some reason you just can't stop. The actual plot of the story doesnt truly start until he meet ****** and learns why he was sent into the world. The plot starts to deviate from the main story and it really feels like a pokemon novel meant for all ages as the author isn't afraid to show the darker side of the pokemon world. 5 Stars Character Design- Not too much to say as of yet on this as it was only recent that we were introduced to characters besides Vex. However, the characters look to be promising as they actually serve use in helping Vex mature and grow. On the plus side, Vex isn't a horny **** that only knows lust and thinks with his dick. If there is romance, I think this fanfic will do it right (my personal opinion of course). World Background- Its pokemon but with a larger background then before. Its only brief, but each time the world is mentioned, governments and systems and laws for trainers are mentioned. Its great to see some realism in a pokemon novel for a change. 4 Stars Hope you enjoyed the review. I'll obviously update this as the story progresses more. Until then.

Battle Ready (Pokemon Fanfic)


Beliebt bei 4 Personen




Just asking, i know next to nothing about pokemon so is the mc one of those people who know future events and will adjust accordingly or is this mc not knowledgeable of this world at all. Cuz if I’m gonna read a pokemon fic, i need info, bad.


He doesn't know of the pokemon world at all however this is actually an advantage despite it being a disadvantage. He doesn't have an preconceived notions of how the world works which allows him to think outside the box. He doesn't know of future events but rather was told through ****** in hopes he could change *****. I hope I've helped

El_Masturbatoor:Just asking, i know next to nothing about pokemon so is the mc one of those people who know future events and will adjust accordingly or is this mc not knowledgeable of this world at all. Cuz if I’m gonna read a pokemon fic, i need info, bad.

I meant despite it seeming like a disadvantage........god I cant type today 😂😂😂

AlphaGuardian:He doesn't know of the pokemon world at all however this is actually an advantage despite it being a disadvantage. He doesn't have an preconceived notions of how the world works which allows him to think outside the box. He doesn't know of future events but rather was told through ****** in hopes he could change *****. I hope I've helped

U definitely did! Thx bruh, i will start reading now....

AlphaGuardian:He doesn't know of the pokemon world at all however this is actually an advantage despite it being a disadvantage. He doesn't have an preconceived notions of how the world works which allows him to think outside the box. He doesn't know of future events but rather was told through ****** in hopes he could change *****. I hope I've helped