
Review Detail of Netzach in Paragon of Sin

Details zur Rezension


In the beginning, I wasn't expecting something great because of my few experiences with wuxia novels but I had to reconsider my POV after reading this story. Quickly, I've been immerged into the story & taken by it's pace. To be honest, I'm quite surprised by this novel and the overall quality of its plot, world building and characters. Firstly, the MC is somewhat 'Human' in his character. Said like this sounds funny but if you have already read others wuxia or asian novels, you should know what I mean. That very refreshing to read and each hour passed reading every chapter has been a bliss to me. Secondly, the deepness of the world-building is extraordinary because everything seems to fit. Cultivation is hard, yes and reading this story make you truly understand what it mean. Thirdly, I like stories where sexuality is depicted 'raw' without filters. Well, this is not what you think. What I mean is: everyone has its tastes and disgusts but wuxia stories tend to be Straight-oriented and rarely homosexuality is written (or for the fanservice sake only). Here, you have everything and there is no judgment. Fourth, women are respected, they have their own goal, their own wishes. They don't serve as dolls or foils for enlightening the MC and that's something to be noted. Eventually, if you wanna a good wuxia, read this one!

Paragon of Sin


Beliebt bei 4 Personen

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