
Review Detail of NetherPrime in Paragon of Sin

Details zur Rezension


I suggest you stop removing negative reviews, the very fact that you do not have a single person ripping on your novel is extremely unrealistic and just makes it obvious that you do not allow for a fair review if you don't like it. People like me won't read your novel just for this simple reason, not out of spite but out of a lack of a fair review to base whether I should spend my time reading it or not. Since I cannot find out then I'd rather just not.

Paragon of Sin


Beliebt bei 32 Personen




Can I ask what kind of "Fair review" are looking for ?


Lol. The novel is just that good. READ IT!!!!


I get not wanting it to be nothing but 4-5 stars because that feels iffy but if people consistently rate it above average then maybe it is just above average for the audience it was intended for.


there are bunch sad people giving lowest possible ratings just because they can. Seeing none of them in a popular novel + three pinned comments are red flags for me.

DaoistPureEvil:I get not wanting it to be nothing but 4-5 stars because that feels iffy but if people consistently rate it above average then maybe it is just above average for the audience it was intended for.

Novel has its rating for a reason. If you can’t trust other’s positive reviews why trust the negative ones? Also, intentionally leaving a poor review for a novel you aren’t reading is maybe why the ‘negative’ reviews you’re referring to keep getting removed.


the 3 pinned novels are the most constructive idea of what the novel has to offer, the mods and the author will not pin unnecessarely hateful comments that are based on their total opinion. Also, how do you know that reviews are deleted? Has your review been deleted here yet?

MrSquare:there are bunch sad people giving lowest possible ratings just because they can. Seeing none of them in a popular novel + three pinned comments are red flags for me.

I was actually looking specifically for the bad reviews as they tend to be more honest than the droves of, "zomg this novel has zero flaws!" reviews, but couldn't find any, and figured exactly that was happening. 99.99% of the "good" novels here are great during the free period, but the moment tge paid content starts, it usually gets bad... really bad. Like the author is clearly wasting everyone's time to stretch out their novel as much as humanly possible with word padding to squeeze as much money out of people as possible. ie, a 1000+ chapter novel that is really only 600 chapters at best and the rest is padding. The bad negative reviews generally are the ones that bring this to light. Is that the case with this novel?


No, the only negative review is that the author is very inconsistent with the updates. It gets annoying but we gotta deal with it because the novel is very well written.

Sesoni:I was actually looking specifically for the bad reviews as they tend to be more honest than the droves of, "zomg this novel has zero flaws!" reviews, but couldn't find any, and figured exactly that was happening. 99.99% of the "good" novels here are great during the free period, but the moment tge paid content starts, it usually gets bad... really bad. Like the author is clearly wasting everyone's time to stretch out their novel as much as humanly possible with word padding to squeeze as much money out of people as possible. ie, a 1000+ chapter novel that is really only 600 chapters at best and the rest is padding. The bad negative reviews generally are the ones that bring this to light. Is that the case with this novel?

Can someone get me the thing he is high on? This novel was too goood. I regret reading it too soon😭


How did u become mod?

DaoistPureEvil:I get not wanting it to be nothing but 4-5 stars because that feels iffy but if people consistently rate it above average then maybe it is just above average for the audience it was intended for.

Why Do You Need Other People's Opinion To Read Or Watch Something??


The website takes them down for popular novels.


This statement doesnt make much sense, theres no target audience here, deleting Negative reviews is lame end of

DaoistPureEvil:I get not wanting it to be nothing but 4-5 stars because that feels iffy but if people consistently rate it above average then maybe it is just above average for the audience it was intended for.

If you cant trust the negative reviews why trust the posotive ones either? We need them Both

_mori:Novel has its rating for a reason. If you can’t trust other’s positive reviews why trust the negative ones? Also, intentionally leaving a poor review for a novel you aren’t reading is maybe why the ‘negative’ reviews you’re referring to keep getting removed.

Bruh the best Parts of the novel is literally the first few Chapters, quality takes a nosedive right after

Absolute_Winter:No, the only negative review is that the author is very inconsistent with the updates. It gets annoying but we gotta deal with it because the novel is very well written.

Because some of us have actual lives and cant just consume light novels all day, if i want to sort through what im gonna Ignore and what im actually gunna read i need to check the reviews

MrPurple:Why Do You Need Other People's Opinion To Read Or Watch Something??

That’s essentially what I’ve said. I have no problem with negative reviews. But this guy isn’t reviewing anything if he hasn’t read the novel and purposely leaves a bad rating while complaining that he isn’t finding enough negative reviews. The ratings are there for a reason, again. If it’s something like 4-5 stars then you’re naturally going to find more positive reviews than negative ones. It’s not that complicated. Plus the review system on WN isn’t that well refined. More often than not it’s more of a way to tell if the novel is liked versus if it isn’t. Not how well written it is. That’s a problem, but not necessarily the author’s fault. The users choose how they leave their reviews

Daoist944110:If you cant trust the negative reviews why trust the posotive ones either? We need them Both

I think my problem isnt the lack of negative reveiws but the fact the author has admitted to deleting some, even if you dont feel they are genuine deleting them reduces your credibility and the credibility of his work. Also I do find it strange how highly rated this novel is after reading it myself but tbh thats an issue for another day

_mori:That’s essentially what I’ve said. I have no problem with negative reviews. But this guy isn’t reviewing anything if he hasn’t read the novel and purposely leaves a bad rating while complaining that he isn’t finding enough negative reviews. The ratings are there for a reason, again. If it’s something like 4-5 stars then you’re naturally going to find more positive reviews than negative ones. It’s not that complicated. Plus the review system on WN isn’t that well refined. More often than not it’s more of a way to tell if the novel is liked versus if it isn’t. Not how well written it is. That’s a problem, but not necessarily the author’s fault. The users choose how they leave their reviews

3 star is a bad rating? seriously? average is bad? Yo I left an average rating since it is a middle ground which won't positively or negatively effect the over rating in any way. I wanted to neither be nice or spiteful and yet you say it's bad?

_mori:That’s essentially what I’ve said. I have no problem with negative reviews. But this guy isn’t reviewing anything if he hasn’t read the novel and purposely leaves a bad rating while complaining that he isn’t finding enough negative reviews. The ratings are there for a reason, again. If it’s something like 4-5 stars then you’re naturally going to find more positive reviews than negative ones. It’s not that complicated. Plus the review system on WN isn’t that well refined. More often than not it’s more of a way to tell if the novel is liked versus if it isn’t. Not how well written it is. That’s a problem, but not necessarily the author’s fault. The users choose how they leave their reviews

Like I said, I have no problems with negative reviews. Neither was I referring to this very review. I don’t exactly understand what you expect. You say you want a fair review but seem to only care for the ones that you’ve admitted are purposefully negative. This very review that you’ve written is a criticism, not even of the novel, but of the author. It’s still here. I don’t know why you think that the positive reviews aren’t ‘fair’. If you don’t like or want to read the novel, that’s perfectly fine. You don’t need an excuse to not like it. Though I guess I’ll ask the author to try to avoid removing actual criticism, as opposed to spam 1-star reviews

NetherPrime:3 star is a bad rating? seriously? average is bad? Yo I left an average rating since it is a middle ground which won't positively or negatively effect the over rating in any way. I wanted to neither be nice or spiteful and yet you say it's bad?