
Review Detail of White_Jester in My Vampire System

Details zur Rezension


Overview TL;DR : A mediocre story with bad characterization You know how you're reading a story and you like the elements in it like intrigue, super powers, progression, unique world, etc.... But there's something that's just off... about the story? You, like I were probably missing proper character design and development. And none suffer more than the Main Character himself Quinn. After reading 276 chapters, all I can say about his personality is has a "strong spirit" and that's only because the author specifically said so. What's even more interesting is while being a orphan and bullied for probably his entire life, he has no social defects. Any other author who written a orphan character would build them up to have specific attributes like: incredibly isolated, irritable, vengeful, resourceful, or cunning due to circumstances. MC himself has circumstances that could characterize him (elaborating would enter spoiler territory for the first chapters) but the author doesn't uses it to define him. Even other characters have more defined characterization than him. One of them acts in a flippant manner, another has a passion for a certain subject. Man, even a character I hated has his own interests. As for MC, you couldn't even tell me if he likes anything specifically. Really it's all about characters. The author is bad at characterization, like describing the way he uniquely acts or behaves, or adding character defining moments that demonstrates the type of person they are. This is what ruins a novel, making the readers not care about the characters. A better reviewer might focus on the other problems of the novel (e.g. bad antagonists) but what I wanted to focus on was this as it's something that if not improved, the author will only produce half-baked stories.

My Vampire System


Beliebt bei 65 Personen




i read this long ago but this sumarises it


yep this is it


Thought I was the only one who doesn't think that this is the novel 🤣😹