
Review Detail of Lolman101 in Count Duke The Fat (J.P. Japhet)

Details zur Rezension


Hello, I have been reading this form the early beginning and I must say I have loved it such that I will continue to read for as long as I can. That's enough about me and now about the story. 1. The writing quality is excellent it's at a level rarely seen on this site especially form such a small new author with no spelling errors that I can remember and the flow is quite pleasant to read. 2. For updates, this is pretty good the author continues to pump out updates with only a very few mistakes/delays but otherwise all good. 3. The story development is unreal (in a good way) at the beginning it's set as sadder which is weird as I normally dislike story that are down from the beginning but its a testament to this story to hook me to push on with glimpses of the possible future and this has paid off thou at the expense of a box of tissues (not like that) 4. I love the character design as they feel so real yet not real that some works great they feel like they could really exist they would just very interesting. The two main leads are well put together that has very good development as they work hard to change for the better. 5. Now, this is the lowest-ranked quality of the five doesn't mean I hate or dislike it. More than it's not really developed yet so it's hard to tell how good but with the other things above I have high hopes to it (thou It can easily be seen what it's based off not really a bad thing but worth of note) So overall I highly recommend this novel read this it is worth it. thanks, lolman101

Count Duke The Fat (J.P. Japhet)


Beliebt bei 3 Personen




Hello JPJaphet I am just replying to let you know to keep up the great work and that i have continued to love your story even with me losing my past account and having to make this one just know i haven't stopped looking at your story. Thanks, LOlman101

JPJaphet:I see I see, sorry for the slow World Development! I really wanted people to experience the world instead of a heavy block of text that you just read and be like, oh so this is what the World is like this tehehe. I wanted the reader to explore the World with Duke, as (Spoiler! Not really XD) He too doesn't know everything in the World! So expect the fantasy elements to be slowly added as were still within Human territories <3 !!! And thank you for your honest review! Loved it, man! Gave me a lot of insight into where I was lacking and where I did right! And I also didn't expect the beginning to be that sad?! Damn, I should really lay low on the depresso pills XD. BUT DON'T WORRY! COUNT DUKE THE FAT IS A COMEDIC FANTASY + a bit of Romance! So you don't have to worry much about the drama, I'll keep it to a minimum gehehe... And thank you for supporting the Novel so far man! 🙇 🙇 🙇 I hope you stay for more! - With much Love (No Homo), Japhet

I see I see, sorry for the slow World Development! I really wanted people to experience the world instead of a heavy block of text that you just read and be like, oh so this is what the World is like this tehehe. I wanted the reader to explore the World with Duke, as (Spoiler! Not really XD) He too doesn't know everything in the World! So expect the fantasy elements to be slowly added as were still within Human territories <3 !!! And thank you for your honest review! Loved it, man! Gave me a lot of insight into where I was lacking and where I did right! And I also didn't expect the beginning to be that sad?! Damn, I should really lay low on the depresso pills XD. BUT DON'T WORRY! COUNT DUKE THE FAT IS A COMEDIC FANTASY + a bit of Romance! So you don't have to worry much about the drama, I'll keep it to a minimum gehehe... And thank you for supporting the Novel so far man! 🙇 🙇 🙇 I hope you stay for more! - With much Love (No Homo), Japhet


No worries about the world development you do it at your pace I was just saying it hasn't shown enough to get a better rating but of what has been shown its good (what is that ending part of the paragraph) its good that you want to use duke as a tool to show your world. Then for the sad beginning, I loved/(hated it they will pay this a jk) as while I like a story where everything goes right for the mc unlike most if a sorry needs a low point I rather have it like you haveing it start rock bottom and work you way up then be artificial and feel cheated midway on.

JPJaphet:I see I see, sorry for the slow World Development! I really wanted people to experience the world instead of a heavy block of text that you just read and be like, oh so this is what the World is like this tehehe. I wanted the reader to explore the World with Duke, as (Spoiler! Not really XD) He too doesn't know everything in the World! So expect the fantasy elements to be slowly added as were still within Human territories <3 !!! And thank you for your honest review! Loved it, man! Gave me a lot of insight into where I was lacking and where I did right! And I also didn't expect the beginning to be that sad?! Damn, I should really lay low on the depresso pills XD. BUT DON'T WORRY! COUNT DUKE THE FAT IS A COMEDIC FANTASY + a bit of Romance! So you don't have to worry much about the drama, I'll keep it to a minimum gehehe... And thank you for supporting the Novel so far man! 🙇 🙇 🙇 I hope you stay for more! - With much Love (No Homo), Japhet

Ohh I see I see. Like, it was difficult seeing Duke start out somewhat happy then I suddenly plunged him into a world of suffering? XD... Yeah, I'll try to work on my story's tone. Don't worry, I'll try to keep the story's tone stable for now on... Thanks for your constructive opinion again ma dude! Very informative 👍👍👍 (And yeah, did you feel cheated on how I wrote things? I'd like to know at which part so I can learn where I made a mistake or if I did it on purpose... and failed XD)

Lolman101:No worries about the world development you do it at your pace I was just saying it hasn't shown enough to get a better rating but of what has been shown its good (what is that ending part of the paragraph) its good that you want to use duke as a tool to show your world. Then for the sad beginning, I loved/(hated it they will pay this a jk) as while I like a story where everything goes right for the mc unlike most if a sorry needs a low point I rather have it like you haveing it start rock bottom and work you way up then be artificial and feel cheated midway on.

LOMAN!!!! MA DUDE!!!! Welcome back man, thanks as always! And thank you for your continued support! It truly warms my heart to hear from you again. Hope you continue to enjoy reading this man!

LOlman101:Hello JPJaphet I am just replying to let you know to keep up the great work and that i have continued to love your story even with me losing my past account and having to make this one just know i haven't stopped looking at your story. Thanks, LOlman101