
Review Detail of Nelly_Crilly in That one beautiful guy

Details zur Rezension


Hi, This is Nelly, I am an editor from another platform that focuses on LGBT Fictions. After reading your "That one beautiful guy (BL) ", I decided to contact you and if possible, to extend you an invitation on distributing your works. However, there is so little I can talk about it here. If you were interested, please contact me via nellycrilly@outlook.com, then I should take the opportunity to discuss it with you in detail. It was a great pleasure to meet your story. Sincerely Nelly

That one beautiful guy


Beliebt bei 1 Personen




I just got back to you on this, I apologize that it took so long for me to see this, I dont know if it sent out to you or not but I hope it did because I would love to have the opportunity to talk to you more about this.