
Review Detail of Spelloyal in Fate of a Gamer

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The fanfic seemed to be interesting at first, but as the author advanced further, he diverged from the original plot in an absurd way. Alaya almost destroying humanity just to deal with the MC was the last straw. During many parts of the fanfic, the author seemed to want to make the MC become a magus even using the gamer system, however the author does not have enough knowledge of Typemoon to do this. Often small and large points that just don't fit in the Typemoon universe are found in this fanfic. The author tried to get a lot deeper into the typemoon universe without the necessary knowledge and it spoiled the story. It would have been better if the author followed the original plot instead of making such drastic changes. To make matters worse he changed many of the servants summoned from the 4th Grail War, which basically spoils everything. Even though it is possible that in an alternate reality these different servants are summoned, this basically spoils all the charm of the 4th Grail War, as different from the 5th War where we have Shirou as the main protagonist, in the Fourth War we have Thosaka, Emiya and Waver as protagonists alike important and his servants have a big impact on everything (especially the interactions between Waver and Iskandar, which basically define Waver’s future)

Fate of a Gamer


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Do you even know what fanfic is if you want the same thing as Canon then just watch the anime man.... The different servants and their interactions with the characters are done perfectly. I don't even know what you're complaining about in this story... This fanfic is one of the best I've read in this site


I won't say you're wrong, as this isn't something like a grammatical error where opinions don't matter and an error is an error. But from my point of view, if the author intended the mc to be a Magus he should try to use Typemoon's magic system. I wouldn't mind if mc was from the beginning a "mage" class player, but with mc being a Magus who doesn't follow any of the Typemoon rules it's really annoying. Also, deviating from the canon is one thing, changing completely is another. Not even the summoned servants were the same the author basically changed the main characters! The fate/zero charm has been completely lost here (from my point of view).

SeiUrahara12345:Do you even know what fanfic is if you want the same thing as Canon then just watch the anime man.... The different servants and their interactions with the characters are done perfectly. I don't even know what you're complaining about in this story... This fanfic is one of the best I've read in this site