
Review Detail of Everything_Forever in Risen World

Details zur Rezension


This story isn't anything special,if anything is very below average! The MC is to much of a "hero",it's so stupid how much he wants to save people! Like I would understand if the where his family or close friends but no there legit just random people! In the first couple chapters there's this women who screams and when she screamed monsters came so people where naturally mad at her but the MC is like,"Hey! Leave that poor women alone! I'm a stupid simp who thinks this women is really hot and I'm a hero for everyone so do as I say!" Like the MC is just so frustrating about all that hero stuff! This doesn't really go with how the story is but I have to say this,there are like five or six reviews from one guy and there all five star reviews so that's tipping the scale in favor to the author a little to much. Sorry for the poor grammar,I kinda wrote this in a rush.

Risen World


Beliebt bei 28 Personen




thanks thanks for your criticism i won't waste my time with this novel

Aoalbjorn:your story's character growth is annoying when Hes a big *****. Make MC. 12 year old If you want a character growth. MC's mentality is of a 12 year old boy. Not to mention MC doesn't have any ability that stands him out of the rest. Feminism blooming in this novel. Girls are given systems. I get it if its because Girls are physically weak. But Girls are cunning than boys. they are more mature. Every gender has its own speciality theres nothing that says women are opressed. Infact Women are far more respected than Man in this world. 90% of times its man that proposes to women not a women proposing to a man.

Sorry you don't like the character much, but I like for my characters to grow as the story goes. He's a bit gullible at the start of things, but he will be put into situations where he will have to grow up. He's not really some bad ass from the future or anything that knows how things go. Plus the women you're talking about has a very different feeling the further you get into the story. Thanks for the review though and for putting out your feelings.


your story's character growth is annoying when Hes a big *****. Make MC. 12 year old If you want a character growth. MC's mentality is of a 12 year old boy. Not to mention MC doesn't have any ability that stands him out of the rest. Feminism blooming in this novel. Girls are given systems. I get it if its because Girls are physically weak. But Girls are cunning than boys. they are more mature. Every gender has its own speciality theres nothing that says women are opressed. Infact Women are far more respected than Man in this world. 90% of times its man that proposes to women not a women proposing to a man.

VivitheGreat:Sorry you don't like the character much, but I like for my characters to grow as the story goes. He's a bit gullible at the start of things, but he will be put into situations where he will have to grow up. He's not really some bad ass from the future or anything that knows how things go. Plus the women you're talking about has a very different feeling the further you get into the story. Thanks for the review though and for putting out your feelings.

Yep, I've read story's where men are more girly and woman are more manly but some women are manly and some men are girly even now. Not all men are strong and not all women are weak. Some men are dumb while some are smart. Although a different universe where all women are like men would be nice😏😏😂

Aoalbjorn:your story's character growth is annoying when Hes a big *****. Make MC. 12 year old If you want a character growth. MC's mentality is of a 12 year old boy. Not to mention MC doesn't have any ability that stands him out of the rest. Feminism blooming in this novel. Girls are given systems. I get it if its because Girls are physically weak. But Girls are cunning than boys. they are more mature. Every gender has its own speciality theres nothing that says women are opressed. Infact Women are far more respected than Man in this world. 90% of times its man that proposes to women not a women proposing to a man.

saved my time


Is the mc still a hero wannabe? I don’t wanna waste my time so if u could answer it would be nice

VivitheGreat:Sorry you don't like the character much, but I like for my characters to grow as the story goes. He's a bit gullible at the start of things, but he will be put into situations where he will have to grow up. He's not really some bad ass from the future or anything that knows how things go. Plus the women you're talking about has a very different feeling the further you get into the story. Thanks for the review though and for putting out your feelings.

What're you on dude? The MC tries to help people, you know, being a human, so either you're jaded from reading too many cool MC novels or you lack basic empathy to think that trying to save people is a "12 year old boy" thing. Also, he literally has that Fenrir spirit soul that makes him "stand out from the rest." As for the Feminism, I agree its a bit much, but it is true that women are oppressed. Also, the author doesn't make every man other than the MC trash, so it isn't even that exaggerated. Giving the girls buffs is "fair" from the novel's viewpoint bc it is factually true when looking at human history as a whole that women were oppressed for a long time, and looking at history as a whole is what the "world" did. Just bc they aren't so much now doesn't mean that they're automatically equal to men in everything. The upper echelons of human leadership are just now starting to get women representation that wasn't even conceivable 25-50 years ago.

Aoalbjorn:your story's character growth is annoying when Hes a big *****. Make MC. 12 year old If you want a character growth. MC's mentality is of a 12 year old boy. Not to mention MC doesn't have any ability that stands him out of the rest. Feminism blooming in this novel. Girls are given systems. I get it if its because Girls are physically weak. But Girls are cunning than boys. they are more mature. Every gender has its own speciality theres nothing that says women are opressed. Infact Women are far more respected than Man in this world. 90% of times its man that proposes to women not a women proposing to a man.

Its how you do something that makes an impression on people as opposed to what you do. Its why no one criticizes goku or superman for saving people but this mc nah he is immature and cringe. 12 year old mentality perfectly describes this wannabe hero.


I just started but it's kind of annoying that only women got a way to get stronger. are men just fked? at least give a way to power up to people with different potential regardless of gender, like in many other similar novels. in fact, usually everyone has a way to get stronger, some are just better then others based on talent or experience in life. don't get me wrong, I wouldn't like it if it was reverse either, with only men getting stronger and screwing over women, as that is dumb since men tend to get disgusting ideas in most novels (I'm male and even I hate it). are men (besides mc in v2) gonna be able to get stronger as well? or is it just mc as the sole strong male? I only got to v1c14 but it would be nice to know.

LihkinFiva:What're you on dude? The MC tries to help people, you know, being a human, so either you're jaded from reading too many cool MC novels or you lack basic empathy to think that trying to save people is a "12 year old boy" thing. Also, he literally has that Fenrir spirit soul that makes him "stand out from the rest." As for the Feminism, I agree its a bit much, but it is true that women are oppressed. Also, the author doesn't make every man other than the MC trash, so it isn't even that exaggerated. Giving the girls buffs is "fair" from the novel's viewpoint bc it is factually true when looking at human history as a whole that women were oppressed for a long time, and looking at history as a whole is what the "world" did. Just bc they aren't so much now doesn't mean that they're automatically equal to men in everything. The upper echelons of human leadership are just now starting to get women representation that wasn't even conceivable 25-50 years ago.

thanks for this .it saved my time


this story is one of the best, the "heroic" MC character is spontaneous, without considering his own interests... that is human. not a savage character like an animal, where every conflict must be resolved by killing...