
Review Detail of Void_Scholar in The book of truth

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Sorry that I took so long to reply and such, I had some school stuff to deal with and my EOC is in four or three days (Depending on when you see this message) but I'm glad that you're having good day. And it sounds that you have an interesting occupation though I won't force you to divulge any information about you and your personal life. And no I sadly haven't read the novel "MARVEL: Killswitch's Orgin" but it does sound interesting, I may try it soon. Though if I could recommend something, I would recommend "Reborn: Evolving From Nothing," though I should warn that the novel is on hiatus currently and may be delayed until 2022 some people say, (I would understand if this is a major turn off for you). And as always have a wonderful day.

The book of truth


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