
Review Detail of Gregory_Price in Tank Lord: The Iron Beast

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I don't know if this is a translation or not, but I can't stand to read this book. I am a big fan of WW2 stories but the writing in this book is just horrible. The writer, or the translator, are making entire paragraphs into one big run on sentence. I'm not going to give myself a headache just trying to mentally add the punctuation to make this all make sense, or make it a good book. So sorry for the 1 star review, but proof read your writing before you post it.

Tank Lord: The Iron Beast


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if I were to say it's original or not then I would say it's original and if I were to say it's translated yes it also is as for the reason why because I'm not a native English speaker since I'm Indonesian. proofreading is quite tough since I'm still searching for a proofreading app or apk online and free if I can. I'm sorry about it though if you couldn't read it well and even cause some headaches.


You do have google, netflix etc. Right? You can watch documentaries about tanks in netflix but its kinda scares, but in google... there is unlimited documentaries i think? So use google first and PLS Warn us if it's gunna be either fantasy, semi-realistic, and realistic so we wont critisize you for the wrong thing and there is youtube where you can watch or listen to how to improve your writing for stuff i recommend artifixian he is really good at making stories, and ADD More detail also make it sort of simmilar to reality so you wont need to work too much too, i have watch a sertain anime witcb DOESN'T INCLUDE girls and panzer i watch tank like anime so you kinda need too beacouse they are semi-realistic and there are also games like WOT, so im gunna end my rant/recomendation here have a good day!

Mirragez:if I were to say it's original or not then I would say it's original and if I were to say it's translated yes it also is as for the reason why because I'm not a native English speaker since I'm Indonesian. proofreading is quite tough since I'm still searching for a proofreading app or apk online and free if I can. I'm sorry about it though if you couldn't read it well and even cause some headaches.