
Review Detail of 2005inky in Rebirth in a Magical World

Details zur Rezension


Hey, I caught up with the releases and I’m here to tell my thoughts. I first read this series, because of a review I read. I don’t remember who said it or when, but they said this series was better than the original Harry Potter books. At first, I was offended. How could you down grade J. K. Rowling’s work like that? I had originally intended to not read this, but decided to look at the reviews. After reading that review I was sure I wanted to skip this, but then I thought about why someone might say that and gave it chance. I was glad I did. I enjoyed this series as much as J. K. Rowling’s work. I read it in a few days and can’t wait for more.

Rebirth in a Magical World


Beliebt bei 3 Personen




I originally had the same thoughts as you.