
Review Detail of luciel_707 in Mystical Encounters

Details zur Rezension


First of all, I noticed some grammatical and spelling errors,excess word in the paragraphs that shouldn't be there. Second, the fire element the mc owned and summons (mostly a familiar) so this creature is a male but i can't imagine what kind of creature is he. This element is in the form of human? A flying fire the follows her around? But i remember that he has a hand (according to the following chapters, maybe an animal? More details on characters and the other creatures in the story. Third, im the stalker of your creators thoughts lolol 😂🤣. Fourth: Double check your final draft before uploading it. But its great that your working hard on the story. Personally i rated the idea of the story 8.7 out of 10 The writing quality is 8/10 Improve more and maybe someday your book will be the top ranking list^^

Mystical Encounters


Beliebt bei 1 Personen




Anyway, the fire element you mentioned is in human form. Since you mentioned it, I think I'll check that part if I forgot to describe him as someone in human form. >.<