
Review Detail of MadReader in The God Virus

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Hello everyone, I am finally reviewing this work of mine for the first time ever after 462 chapters! *Caresses his beard in utmost seriousness* Before anything, let me give you a short version of what you will be getting yourself into: Think of Virus (MC) as Pinocchio, only, instead of a doll, he’s an extremely advanced artificial intelligence who coincidentally jumps back in time to our current Earth. Anyway, the Pinocchio of our story who had been just an artificial boy his entire life enters a biological body, thus becoming a real boy! Now, the real boy of our story together with futuristic knowledge at his beck and call starts cultivation while actually utilizing that very knowledge of science and technology. However, now that he’s a real boy, he starts experiencing problems and issues he never thought were possible. As you read into the story, the world will get bigger and bigger as unexpected developments, both small and large, will take you by surprise and leave you flabbergasted. +++++ If you ask me, is [The God Virus] worth my time and more? I can only say try it and decide for yourself, don’t let my or anyone else’s bias affect you. Still, if you did indeed decide to give it a shot, persist through some of the pre-cultivation slow burn and neophyte writing at the earlier chapters and get to the real cultivation stuff and you’ll see what you had nearly missed. +++++ Some of the things you can expect to see in the story: 1. Cultivation is extremely unique, I don’t just randomly add stage names and say he gathered even more energy this time or whatnot and broke through from the first level to the second level, then from the second level to the third level, and so on! There is a specific system of cultivation that will make you enjoy immersing yourself in the process as you get to the real cultivation stuff! 2. Virus is very smart in brain matters, an extremely intelligent anti-hero main character that doesn’t fear destroying all those hindering his path if he wants to, I say this with confidence and you will agree unless you forget what Virus’ main goal in living and the core of his personality is at each specific point in the story. 3. The writing quality increases as you advance, you will feel the writing quality leveling up the more you read into the story. However, even in the earlier chapters, you won’t have any difficulties understanding the sentences, they flow smooth enough, only that the writing quality may be lower comparatively. 4. Let’s get this out of the window as well, Virus is no saint, he’s not selfless, I mean he’s named Virus for God's sake, did you expect him to be like Mother Teresa? *Flings aside his white beard violently* 5. Yes, there’s a deep romance happening, but it won’t be the main focus of the story. 6. There is so much more I can say, but why should I say it when you can read it and decide for yourself? Anyway, if my brief introduction hooked you, then I guess you’re in the right place.

The God Virus


Beliebt bei 34 Personen




please keep this book going! This is the best thing I have ever read! I have read absolutely everything! Maybe I need to donate so you can continue the story? I can, just keep creating chapters of this best book ever!


I have been following this novel for a long time and I was waiting for updates after chapter 417 :Wait , I like two things about this novel and that are "Systematic Way of Cultivation" and "Romance" these are the the things I in this novel a lot . I don't want you to stop this book. And if this story is a Harem or not "Do Not Tell Me That" or it will be a spoiler . And I like your ideas on Cultivation .


Why would an extremely advanced A.I want to downgrade itself into a human? You could have made something unique by keeping him as an A.I and having him find a way to elevate his existance in other ways than cultivation and not forcing him to rely on something as unreliable as a body.


The romance just ruins it for me.


Yo author, he should be exactly LIKE mother Teresa, she was a horrible person. Go read up on that. She willingly killed many and didn’ practice what she preached when it was her turn to be burdened by the lord (cancer) lol




I started reading this around a year or 2 ago(lockdown messed up my sense of time) but then it wasn't updating for months and I eventually stopped going into webnovel but now that I'm back im more then happy to see the novel I spent my free time on is updating again, TYSM author your doing a great job :)



Bruh u do know that having is a biological body is one of the highest forms of creation right, on the material plane there is very few things that is complicated as a biological body. And then on the spiritual plane which is a higher vibration. U claim the biological body to be useles but that’s only due to the fact that u don’t overstand t he large benefits of it or the great depths of the body.

EpimetheusBB:Why would an extremely advanced A.I want to downgrade itself into a human? You could have made something unique by keeping him as an A.I and having him find a way to elevate his existance in other ways than cultivation and not forcing him to rely on something as unreliable as a body.

Complicated does not mean that it's good. Our bodies are fragile things amd death can come for us at any time. The mc om the other hand can be everywhere there is technology and take over the world easily because of how reliant we are on our devices.

OzzWorld:Bruh u do know that having is a biological body is one of the highest forms of creation right, on the material plane there is very few things that is complicated as a biological body. And then on the spiritual plane which is a higher vibration. U claim the biological body to be useles but that’s only due to the fact that u don’t overstand t he large benefits of it or the great depths of the body.

Iam happy 😊 grandpa back ,see you at discord granny 😍


so uhh..... why are you guys arguing about which is better when you can get both by becoming a multiplicity?


biological body could easily and better in cultivation of magic as in can't be bound by material realm, unlike synthetic metallic lifeforms (bound by material realm) that can't cultivate and can't have magic power (that in the story). also for Goodnes sake why would anyone want the MC to be a stupid robot bound by data and program A.K.A just a advance programmed puppet with no personality that can't be developed except just something like : wow, a new material I shall study this, wow a new form of human stupidity I shall play with them.

EpimetheusBB:Complicated does not mean that it's good. Our bodies are fragile things amd death can come for us at any time. The mc om the other hand can be everywhere there is technology and take over the world easily because of how reliant we are on our devices.

for me that the best part .

KIING:The romance just ruins it for me.

why drop the story?


why did you stop the novel.


Bro are you still alive?


Bro were waiting


I want to find another novel like this one, it's one of the best novel I read in my life.The only problem for me is the romance.