
Review Detail of Guest199 in ZOMBIE KING

Details zur Rezension


A very good novel. The writing is good; way better than the other original zombie novels i read in this site so far, and is not that far off from official novels, even is better than the majority of them. The story makes uses of the elements of surprise and makes the reader view it in an 'open world' feel through the Main Character's eyes. My progress is up to date which is...chapter 4 or 6. The author made me imagine the main character's design not only through Third POV but also through the sight of a side character; which made me 'see' the boy more clearly in an ingenious way. Really commend you Mr/Ms author with that(Color of his skin & eyes in third POV, the state and color of his clothes through the tied up girl). The background is that of a modern world i guess...which is rapidly changing. I can already 'feel' it when i see how the people used to fighting back the main character(how this makes it seem as if they are used to fight and kill other people). All in all, I Love this. And i'll be looking forward to your updates!



Beliebt bei 8 Personen




Nuub go read apocalypse meltdown and shut up


Read it, good enuff. Tho, you should even give up reading that meltdown novel and move over to My Girlfriend is A Zombie, *******.

IQuoted:Nuub go read apocalypse meltdown and shut up

Lol i bet u didnt even read a chapter

Guest199:Read it, good enuff. Tho, you should even give up reading that meltdown novel and move over to My Girlfriend is A Zombie, *******.