
Review Detail of Dosithee in Last Wish System

Details zur Rezension


I admire anyone who has the courage and ability to write and encourage them to continue. That said, I couldn’t continue reading this and wouldn’t recommend it to others. I hope the author will continue to write and improve or just enjoy the process. Hot he idea behind the story isn’t bad, however every other part of it seems like it was done with little effort and skill. The characters, dialogue, fight scenes, training, world building, system, etc. we’re all flimsy and have have a long way to go before this story is worth reading in my eyes. The grammar and word choice make this seem like it’s machine translated, though it’s not. I’m not a snob, and read my fair share of web novels and ln, but this isn’t even to that standard. I have no idea how this got to be in first place and I hope this isn’t the standard for original stories on here. Lord Of Hell, still of poor quality, is much better than this in my opinion. I encourage the author to keep writing though since many enjoy this story, but i would wan the potential reader not to expect much.

Last Wish System


Beliebt bei 29 Personen




It's not new mate. I can bet that 95% of the authors of original novels on this site deletes poor rated reviews. This one is only alive because either it's rating greater than 2 or author didn't notice.

Unknown47:Seriously? That would be bad behaviour when abused to not just get rid of the overly critical or troll reviews

I am totaly with you.


Author is deleting negative reviews repeatedly, he deleted my 4 month old one, then my newest one when I realised he deleted it.


Seriously? That would be bad behaviour when abused to not just get rid of the overly critical or troll reviews

Quidanstealsnovels:Author is deleting negative reviews repeatedly, he deleted my 4 month old one, then my newest one when I realised he deleted it.

pretty much this. idk why there are so many isekai loving mouth breathers here who enjoy this kind of drivel even when there is no semblance of good writing.


Can confirm. I had a constructive review deleted.

Unknown47:Seriously? That would be bad behaviour when abused to not just get rid of the overly critical or troll reviews

Yeah I’m hearing about these types of review control on the now majority of webnovel made novels which really kills my interest in looking into new novels which are “hot” on the rankings just to discover it’s nowhere near the quality I expected

Zhen_Yunling:It's not new mate. I can bet that 95% of the authors of original novels on this site deletes poor rated reviews. This one is only alive because either it's rating greater than 2 or author didn't notice.

The story is childish at start