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I adore this book. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve read my favorite chapters. I first found this book via an event where you could pay a certain amount of coins to get unlimited free reading, uncertain books for a certain amount of time and I fell in love with this author I love, this book and the book where the I’m sorry I can’t remember the title. I just can’t tell you how much I love this story. It’s one of the best reverse novels I’ve ever read. I know it’s not the only one I promise I have reference. I hope we get more books very similar to this, I just absolutely love this author and her stories or his I’m not assuming
I really like the story and I really like how the dark for boating has is so caring. I hope you get more opportunities to see her in peril and him take care of her and we’re human needs. They’re just so cute!
I really like the story it’s neat and I like the concepts and the characters. They’re fun.
This is a start difference from when he was mad with her just having the sleep on his bed for a little while
When you go to trauma, you’re mine hardly ever think rationally what seems obvious to others is as far from your mind as possible
Is she trying to be funny because saying it was nice to talk with you again would be way more appropriate and correct?
Look, I still don’t like him because he turned the blind eye, but at the very least he didn’t hurt her directly. I’m not saying that is any consolation or anything just looking for anyone in this family that is slightly redeemable emphasis on slightly.
I think with the Crown prince is implying here is that admitting to the fact that a royal family member could be abused like that would make them look weaker and tarnish their image which is why he did nothing
You go, girl! No mercy
This book is an insane ride hold on tight because it goes in loopy, loops and twists, and all the things!