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The story of Zhou Yun Sheng’s journey through a world of rebirth, vengeance, and survival is nothing short of gripping.Even if I find the romance fast paste but it's still warm and cute
The story is so frustrating I can't take it anymore, especially all the missed opportunities between the characters. Oh my god, it's just too much! The main character made such stupid life choices. I honestly can't handle it. I feel like breaking something! And the male lead? He wants to save everyone, but not his own woman? That main character doesn't even use their abilities properly. The story just isn’t well constructed it’s a mess. The problem with this story is that it’s so dry. There’s no development, no spark to keep the reader hooked on the book. Honestly, it’s very disappointing.
It’s a good novel, but the technical stuffs it's too much. Sometimes it feels like he spend two whole chapters explaining things that could’ve been summed up in a few paragraphs. It slows down the pace and pulls me out of the story, which can be frustrating. Sometime the mc do thing that's so dumb that I want to hit him myself . Cuz EVEN with all the INT stats up it's no use 😮💨
"It’s a good novel, and I really enjoy the story overall, but the author tends to dive too deep into technical details. Buttt it's still very good to read.
I love the novel, it’s engaging, but I feel like the main character could show more emotion. Right now, he come across as too stoic, almost like a stone. Adding layers to their personality, even subtle expressions of vulnerability or passion, could make him more relatable.
This is absolutely hilarious! I couldn’t stop laughing. the unique concept in cliché system combined with situational comedy is pure genius. IIt’s not just funny, t’s downright refreshingly entertaining!
no it's chill
u did not read the book, right!! cuz ... it's not bad at all.
not true
raw ??