A man who brings kinky culture to the masses
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it means that it contains soft r18 content, while double stars mean the chapter contains hardcore r18 content. It allows people to decide when to take their pants off, pull it up, read next to people, or close the door first!
I'm very satisfied when it comes to the world building, the system, and the premises for this novel. However, I lack vision for its plot. I don't know what to write and cannot come up with a plot that satisfies my standards currently, so unfortunately, I'm unable to write any new chapters recently
I meant obstructions
I don't consider it as a scene of strangers, it's just the effect of doing things outdoors, part of the fetish
No, i'm just taking a break on October. I will publish again in November
Are you sure? Beacuse it shows me everything is fine. Chapter 213 starts with "It's good to have you aboard. I hope you remember this trip is going to be very dangerous." While chapter 214 starrts with "After my power demonstration against Ape, none of the other teammates looked down on me"
I will slowly accumulate chapters this month and start publishing again in November. Hopefully, the fairies book will end in 2024
we're talking about different types of bugs, since killing two worms of the same kind gives no further rewards
Slowing down and prioritizing the older novel for now. Publishing two novels at once was more demanding than i originally thought
I don't think Theo will get any techniques related to the void. He develops them alone with the knowledge gained on the void from his cultivation