


Trying to do my own thing, and that's that.

2024-02-01 BeigetretenGlobal



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  • Emon_Njoki
    Antwortet auf Haise_Sasaki1

    I get what you mean, but you have to remember that Beatrice is both clingy and touch starved, she wonders if he’s that person and is basically doing to him what she would usually do to Puck, and love bomb him to feel better about how lonely she feels. She doesn’t actually like him that much yet, he’s more like a pacifier to her right now, even if mostly subconsciously.

    That night, she clung to Nilcaris as he slept peacefully. 
    My New Life In The Omniverse(Re:zero currently)
    Anime und Comics · Emon_Njoki
  • Emon_Njoki
    Antwortet auf antmanFN

    Yeah, I have an exam today. So I’ve been busy with that.

    Later though, he got ready to harmonize his energies, before the fight with the demon beast came.
    My New Life In The Omniverse(Re:zero currently)
    Anime und Comics · Emon_Njoki
  • Emon_Njoki
    Antwortet auf Haise_Sasaki1

    It will get explained later, but she has an obsession with the idea of the one meant to free her from the library. Basically a false prophecy her mom made up to see who she would choose as her chosen one, tricking her into imprisoning herself in the library.

    That night, she clung to Nilcaris as he slept peacefully. 
    My New Life In The Omniverse(Re:zero currently)
    Anime und Comics · Emon_Njoki
  • Emon_Njoki
    Antwortet auf Nameless_Crown

    The God is more of a force of nature or the Omniverse than an individual. It’s goal is to keep a sort of balance to things. So sometimes it lets evil rule, others good will, and sometimes in between. The people don’t matter only the consequences their future actions will have on the karmic balance. The God also acts a bit differently to match who their interacting with it. Finally it doesn’t care if it gets replaced or used, since the next person to take over would in a way become it, cause true omnipotence is not a power, but rather a state, a state that only one being can exist in at a time.

    Ch 10 Extra Chapter: What if Nilcaris was Chaotic Evil?
    My New Life In The Omniverse(Re:zero currently)
    Anime und Comics · Emon_Njoki
  • Emon_Njoki
    Antwortet auf antmanFN

    Nope, it was warp manipulation(Space time dimansional portal), and got made into basic portal creation for now.

    Particularity/s(Authority/s): Portal Creation; True Deathless; System
    My New Life In The Omniverse(Re:zero currently)
    Anime und Comics · Emon_Njoki
  • Emon_Njoki
    Antwortet auf antmanFN

    They didn’t do anything yet .He’s just teasing her.

    (What? Don't tell me you're afraid of sex.) Nilcaris expressed in a teasing manner.
    My New Life In The Omniverse(Re:zero currently)
    Anime und Comics · Emon_Njoki
  • Emon_Njoki
    Antwortet auf tido_racks

    In the system of this story, they would be much higher than that.

    Willpower: 20
    My New Life In The Omniverse(Re:zero currently)
    Anime und Comics · Emon_Njoki
  • Emon_Njoki
    Antwortet auf MacKenzie_50943
    "You two stop talking about big black things and get on with it." Nilcaris said with a straight face, knowing exactly what he's doing.
    My New Life In The Omniverse(Re:zero currently)
    Anime und Comics · Emon_Njoki
  • Emon_Njoki
    Antwortet auf Nameless_Crown

    She’s a tsundere, yes. However the answer is as I said, she was confused during that first interaction and wanted to feel like she was not trapped existing a certain way with no other choice. As for calling him a pervert, what do you call someone who’s dream is to have the perfect harem? However the moment the mc gave her a way out with no malicious intent she softened a bit, thinking that maybe she made a bad assumption. As for wanting to take the other abilities, these abilities are special and work different than the typical powers. Just know that the other particularities are like siblings to her. It’s like when a teen wants to run away from a home they believe is bad, and in her case she want to help her younger siblings escape too. As the story advances and she gets to know him better her opinion and thoughts will change and they have already changed quite a bit. Even so, she doesn’t want to serve someone she doesn’t find 'Worthy' forever or for however long his journey ends up being, it could take billions of years or more for all she knows. The strong personality is the mc's fault, he basically wanted her to be this way subconsciously, and there she is.

    My New Life In The Omniverse(Re:zero currently)
    Anime und Comics · Emon_Njoki
  • Emon_Njoki
    Antwortet auf Nameless_Crown

    I understand your aversion to systems with personality, but she exists that way because of the mc's subconscious desire when envisioning a system for himself in his mind. It’s not like she hates him at all, it’s more like she was confused. Imagine walking up with a certain amount of knowledge, feelings and a purpose thrown at you? The want for freedom mirrors the mc's ideal of it, and her innate 'rebellion' his want for challenge. I won’t tell you to like her, but I hope you give it a shot, I didn’t make her with the intention to just be a problem or anything like that. If you pay attention you’ll see she’s actually very cooperative with the mc.

    My New Life In The Omniverse(Re:zero currently)
    Anime und Comics · Emon_Njoki
  • Emon_Njoki
    Antwortet auf TheWaffleMonarch

    Yeah, somthing like that.

    Amid a city with stone floors, a young man appeared without anyone noticing at all. He was a short dark-skinned young man with light blue hair, wearing a black long-sleeved compression shirt, and white baggy pants with brown sandals. 
    My New Life In The Omniverse(Re:zero currently)
    Anime und Comics · Emon_Njoki
  • Emon_Njoki
    Antwortet auf Ciel1786


    Ch 4 Chapter 4: Negotiations And The Bowl Hunter
    My New Life In The Omniverse(Re:zero currently)
    Anime und Comics · Emon_Njoki
  • Emon_Njoki
    Antwortet auf neis_marko


    Ch 4 Chapter 4: Negotiations And The Bowl Hunter
    My New Life In The Omniverse(Re:zero currently)
    Anime und Comics · Emon_Njoki
  • Emon_Njoki
    Antwortet auf Ciel1786

    It was AI generated and I made it. I'll send it in a bit.

    Ch 4 Chapter 4: Negotiations And The Bowl Hunter
    My New Life In The Omniverse(Re:zero currently)
    Anime und Comics · Emon_Njoki
  • Emon_Njoki
    Antwortet auf Haise_Sasaki1

    Yes, and no.

    (I won't even bother, these people can't appreciate good comedy.) Nilcaris shook his head.
    My New Life In The Omniverse(Re:zero currently)
    Anime und Comics · Emon_Njoki
  • Emon_Njoki
    Antwortet auf Master_Ice13

    That sounds overly complicated and very loophole prone. The mc will eventually be powerful enough to reality warp and more, but he has to earn it, that's the point of the journey The God set him on. If you're worried about him being weak, don't worry the mc will be decently strong from the start, you'll see in chapter 2.

    Ch 1 Chapter: A Deal, A bet and A Start From Zero
    My New Life In The Omniverse(Re:zero currently)
    Anime und Comics · Emon_Njoki
  • Emon_Njoki
    Antwortet auf Master_Ice13

    The God would not allow him to have something that powerful without him earning it. He would have asked for Omnipotence or nigh-omnipotence if that was not the case.

    Ch 1 Chapter: A Deal, A bet and A Start From Zero
    My New Life In The Omniverse(Re:zero currently)
    Anime und Comics · Emon_Njoki
  • Emon_Njoki
    Antwortet auf Master_Ice13

    He'll get that kind of stuff later. For now, he just wanted simple powers that garantee he can get out of bad situations. also, the mc has no fate knowledge. Fate will be in the story eventually, don't wait for it, but it will happen someday.

    Ch 1 Chapter: A Deal, A bet and A Start From Zero
    My New Life In The Omniverse(Re:zero currently)
    Anime und Comics · Emon_Njoki
  • Emon_Njoki
    Antwortet auf Master_Ice13

    No, the mistake was mine, it was supposed to say warp manipulation, but i've been writting it wrong. it's the ability to manipulate warps in the space-time continuum, including portals, rifts, distortions, wormholes and other of warps that affect space and time. It can even lead to other points in time or space or to another dimension.

    Ch 1 Chapter: A Deal, A bet and A Start From Zero
    My New Life In The Omniverse(Re:zero currently)
    Anime und Comics · Emon_Njoki
  • Emon_Njoki
    Antwortet auf Master_Ice13

    Yeah, he'll get the wrap manipulation in time. As for the True immortality, it was supposed to be the Omnipotent version, but yeah, that's a not happening.

    Ch 1 Chapter: A Deal, A bet and A Start From Zero
    My New Life In The Omniverse(Re:zero currently)
    Anime und Comics · Emon_Njoki