


I love gaming and reading. 🥰❤️

2024-02-04 BeigetretenGlobal

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  • Jangmi08
    Jangmi087 months ago
    Antwortet auf DZsTheOnlyWay

    yeah, he said the novel is garbage. After the certain chapters he mentioned. I think he was just utterly disappointed and was following his feelings more than thinking clearly. You know how it feels when you were reading something actually good and was excited about it? then while reading further, you got so disappointed. Personally, if this happened to me, I usually just say it out loud. I don't have the energy and courage to go and write a critic to others. And, it may sound bad, but yeah. It is criticism. If you think about it, isn't he just asking the author to think outside the box? And not follow the usual trend? at least that was what I perceived about it. As an author(well, I wrote some stories and posted on another platform), that's how I perceived it. Because I asked myself, what if I was the author when I read that. I would think. Why would OP say that? What made/prompt him to think so? How am I going to remedy/change/improve so that it won't happened again? Then I would also go and asked for another opinion, just to be sure. There are times when you write, you wouldn't notice if there's something wrong. Perhaps, because you were too focus on writing or you were distracted. And there are times that perhaps, the character you are writing, would go OOC, it's perfectly natural. It's in the process. Though I agree that the OP should have been a bit more nicer with his words and how he expressed himself and his critics.

  • Jangmi08
    Jangmi087 months ago
    Antwortet auf DZsTheOnlyWay

    hey now, don't attack personally. The OP didn't even attack the author personally. Only the novel. Be nice please. Perhaps the OP might have used better words to express his disappointment, but that does not mean you can attack the OP like that. The OP was just expressing his thoughts and his disappointment in the novel. And the OP read the novel at least, and not just spreading hate randomly. I write novels myself, though I didn't post it here yet, but criticism is something that an author can learn from. The author can use it to look back and think, what might have gone wrong? and what can the author do to improve? you can criticize the OP's comment or the wording, but don't attack the OP personally. That's just wrong. i'm sorry if, I might've offend you. But I just feel bad at your comment because I didn't read any personal attack from the OP. And the OP just expresses his opinion about the novel.

  • Jangmi08
    Jangmi087 months ago
    Antwortet auf SK_MINNY

    hey now, no need to be like that. It's true that you can't do that to another person's work. But it's not like the OP didn't read the novel. He read the novel and became greatly disappointed. There are people somewhat agreeing that the plot became somewhat bad along the way. And true, the OP should've used other nicer words perhaps. But it is OP's rights to express his opinions. And the OP didn't target the author, it is more on the story itself. And how the OP is disappointed. Perhaps the OP was excited and loved the novel at first and then those chapters happened. Don't attack OP saying he can't even write as good as this novel, nuh-uh. You don't know that. We don't know the OP. Just comment on his comment, not the person.

  • Jangmi08
    Jangmi088 months ago
    Antwortet auf Achillios

    I also SWEAR I didn't tear up at all.