

2023-12-01 BeigetretenGlobal

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  • Xablau_XZero
    Xablau_XZero13 days ago

    I really liked it, a break from the other +18 novels that have too much drama, very light to read, the only sadness is that there are still few chapters. (Google Translate)

  • Xablau_XZero
    Xablau_XZero15 days ago
    Antwortet auf starry8sword

    I've read some NTR novels or similar shit like "A World of Perverts" or something even worse like "The Adventures of Jaina, the Sex Slave". I hate NTR if I could kill the authors, but this novel of yours has nothing like NTR, most of the people who are complaining are either insecure or have spent too much time watching Chinese novels about a million year old virgin, that's been happening a lot lately. I read a novel where in a threesome the women couldn't even kiss because there were people saying it was yuri and giving it 1 star.

  • Xablau_XZero
    Xablau_XZero16 days ago

    Can anyone tell me which chapter has NTR? I remember that I had read up to chapter 356 and I didn't have NTR yet ------------------------------------------------------------

  • Xablau_XZero
    Xablau_XZero22 days ago

    Honestly, the author should seek help because, you know, generally even when there's Loli in other novels, it doesn't give that feeling of pedophelia, seeing some of that shit takes away the desire to read some 18+ novel. (Google Translate)

  • Xablau_XZero
    Xablau_XZero22 days ago

    I'm going to pretend this was the real ending of Otome Dori and the anime is the real fanfic of some shit cuckold -------------------------------------

  • Xablau_XZero
    Xablau_XZero22 days ago

    Can someone give me a spoiler of what happened that looked like NTR or which chapter this happens ----------------------------------------------------------

  • Xablau_XZero
    Xablau_XZero23 days ago

    You know, you should have at least left the old name with quotation marks, it would have been easier to find, I looked for about 40 minutes

  • Xablau_XZero
    Xablau_XZeroa month ago

    Very good novel, I almost stopped reading when the exhibitionist live appeared, but the author told me to continue reading that this was going to change, and it was resolved, ending very well, now I even miss the live, a strange thing about the live, I like it and I don't like it at the same time, the author knows things, another sad thing is the fear of yuri that people have, to me it seems normal in a threesome, simple things happen that don't give a feeling of betrayal or anything like that, but I like it enough that the author puts certain things things that others are generally afraid to put as lolis. - I'm using Google Translate so if there's a wrong word or something that doesn't make sense, use clairvoyance.

  • Xablau_XZero
    Xablau_XZeroa month ago

    I didn't get past chapter 3 but from what I read it is: 1- protagonist being underestimated 2- slap in the face young master style 3- comeback number 1