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Ouroboros is a good name, it would be easy to picture as a company logo too. You could also go with one of the Titan names from Titanfall: Monarch, North Star, and Legion are all really cool and intimidating names for a PMC. Keeping up with the Titan theme you could even use one of the Titans from Greek myth: Prometheus, Hyperion, Kronos, and Helios are all strong sounding names. Anyway those are my suggestions but still Ouroboros is still a cool name.
Are there any fanfics similar to this one in star wars that you would recommend? I really enjoyed this story so I’d love to read more!
This entire story is a copy+paste of “Three to Backstep” by Sinyk. You can find the full story on fanfiction .net …………………………………………………………………….
No images please
Too real :(
I don’t mind them, except when they use the same one over and over again. I can only read so many *THUD*’s before I start think the author doesn’t know any other sounds.
Ah, I wondered if/when the the psycho and her idiot brother would be introduced
Skill issue
Pretty good. Nothing much to critique other than how fast Marcus gets OP, but if the author is going for a more character heavy focus like I think: then that will work very much in their favor…just to get the grinding for levels out of the way as soon as possible. I look forward to seeing where this goes :)