Xirn: Beyond the Abyss
Nicknamed by his allies as the King of Parasites, he is a feared and despised figure. His enemies see him as the very personification of death, a being whose mere presence inspires terror and desolation. After centuries of service on the frontier, he was banished from his home world and condemned to a solitary existence in a Micro-Universe. Once the most prominent member in the history of the Xirn, this former sentinel is now forced to walk among mortals in a world where magic and the supernatural are only myths. Though his supernatural powers remain intact, he lives a common life among those who are powerless before his former splendor.
This story marks my debut as a writer, It is the first fragment of a vast universe I am creating, and I hope you enjoy it. I appreciate any constructive criticism you have, so feel free to leave your comments.
WebNovel blocked my story in Spanish, so I decided to publish it in English.
GOMEDRA · Fantasy