

2023-10-28 BeigetretenGlobal

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  • WritingInShadow
    WritingInShadowa year ago
    Antwortet auf Rara_Jasmin

    Thank you. I found it.

    Dieses Buch wurde gelöscht.
  • WritingInShadow
    WritingInShadowa year ago
    Antwortet auf Hartika_Sharma

    Thank you for your nice comment. Much appreciated.

    Dieses Buch wurde gelöscht.
  • WritingInShadow
    WritingInShadowa year ago

    the storytelling is great. the world details are nice, giving me the same vibe as Gantz-0. I am not at chapter 13 but most characters that had been introduced and become a part of their little group are males. I hope you can also add female characters as well. Keep writing.

  • WritingInShadow
    WritingInShadowa year ago

    His skill can be useful for tactical operations.

  • WritingInShadow
    WritingInShadowa year ago

    I was skeptical about Randy's motive for befriending him but you got me wrong there. So sad he had to be left behind.

  • WritingInShadow
    WritingInShadowa year ago

    wow. nice suspense. this got me hooked.

  • WritingInShadow
    WritingInShadowa year ago

    This is nice to read but I do hope that the FMC will get her character development later in the story instead of just getting help from Leo all the time and being stepped on by another

  • WritingInShadow
    WritingInShadowa year ago
    Antwortet auf Solastius_Seena

    Thank you for the review and comments. I will consider your suggestions and use them to improve my writing. This is much appreciated.

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  • WritingInShadow
    WritingInShadowa year ago
    Antwortet auf Visionary_M

    Thank you, Sir. I am planning to release 25 - 30 chapters focusing on Ark. The second and Main part will be about the seven sons. Since I am just a new writer I decided to just go chronologically on this one and started with Ark, instead of starting with the seven sons and going for flashbacks. I thought it would be risky for a beginner like me if I went for the second approach.

    Dieses Buch wurde gelöscht.
  • WritingInShadow
    WritingInShadowa year ago

    Though I am not a big fan of romantic stories this one might be exempted. Also, this is not only just about romance. Both Zachary and Sonia really complement each other. The addition of humor to the story is great as well. Both of them not knowing how to really behave around each other is funny to read. I'll be reading some more of this. My only suggestion that might be of help is to use simple words since I believe that the simpler it is the better. Using simple words can be helpful since some readers are not using English as their primary language so they may find it difficult to understand some. At least that is my opinion. I hope that can help.