Steven universe: Champagne
In the quaint coastal town of Beach City, a small school becomes the stage for an unexpected showdown. During lunch, all eyes are on Champagne, a fierce and enigmatic boy with a wild Afro and a unique, dual-colored right eye, as he takes on Lance, the school’s strongest student, in an arm-wrestling match. Despite the mocking jeers from their classmates, including the sneering comments about Champagne’s mysterious past as an orphan, the competition is fierce.
Pearl, a thin girl with pale skin and black eyes, stands resolutely behind Champagne, her steadfast belief in him unwavering. She is ridiculed for her loyalty, but remains undeterred. As the match intensifies, Lance’s taunts about Champagne’s lack of parents strike a nerve. With a sudden surge of strength, Champagne defeats Lance, dislocating his arm in the process.
This incident lands Champagne in the principal’s office, where he faces suspension and is ordered to write an apology letter. Despite his defiance, Pearl remains by his side, revealing their shared history from the same orphanage. Determined to support her friend, Pearl offers to help Champagne write the letter, revealing his struggle with writing.
Their attempt at an apology letter is interrupted by a sudden attack from a monstrous, snake-like sea creature. As Pearl is injured, Champagne fights off the creature, but is eventually captured by it. In a moment of desperation, Champagne’s left eye opens, revealing a champagne-colored diamond that unleashes a powerful force, vanquishing the creature.
Pearl, accidentally calls him “my diamond” while tending to his wounds.
Startled by her slip of the tongue, Pearl’s confusion deepens as three enigmatic women—known as the Enforcers of the Diamond Authority—descend from a distant temple. These powerful beings, clad in flowing gowns of blue, pink, and white and gold, reveal a shocking truth: Champagne is the offspring of a shattered Champagne Diamond, a gem created by the Diamond Authority as a replacement for Pink Diamond. The Enforcers have come to destroy him, viewing his existence as a threat.
In a fierce battle, Pearl defends Champagne, revealing her own combat prowess with a shimmering rapier. Despite their combined efforts, the Enforcers prove to be formidable opponents. Just as they are about to be overwhelmed, the Crystal Gems—Garnet, Amethyst, and Steven—arrive in a brilliant flash of light, intervening in the conflict and rescuing Champagne and Pearl.
Champagne loses consciousness and wakes up in a cozy house, his head resting on Pearl’s lap. Surrounded by the Crystal Gems, he learns about his origins and the legacy left by his gem father. Pearl, now called Luster, explains the history of Champagne Diamond and the powers he bestowed upon his son before being shattered. Champagne’s unique fusion of gem and human attributes makes him a bridge between two worlds, a role that both empowers and burdens him.
As Champagne grapples with his newfound identity and the responsibilities it entails, he realizes that he has much to learn about his powers and his place in the gem and human realms. With the support of the Crystal Gems and Luster, he begins his journey of self-discovery, training to harness his abilities and uncover the secrets of his heritage.
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