hi lol
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yup a child philosopher that otherwise behaves like a 5 year old
she’s 8 and doesn’t know what a knight is(as a noble she would’ve been surrounded by them all her life) and refers to herself in the 3rd person like a toddler; has the author ever met an actual child before?
didn’t the author say earlier that MC and his sister weren’t very close?
he should just go with the mature child persona rather than trying(and failing) to act younger, he clearly doesn’t know how children are supposed to act and I can’t imagine it not being awkward for the people around him considering his perma stone face
strokes and other “natural deaths” aren’t exactly common occurrence for non-elderly people; if this world has any sort of police/investigative unit then they’ll likely conduct an autopsy, especially considering the fact that the body was found out in the open and the death seems to have happened without any warning
blue, gemstone-esque eyes and white hair imma be picturing gojo in my head as i read this
Contrary to what the author has repeated over and over, this book is decent. It was an interesting read, but I hate the ending. In most “revenge” stories, the MC doesn’t actually end up actually taking revenge. Instead, they learn some bs moral lesson and forgive the object of their hatred or end up half-assing the revenge. This novel’s MC didn’t give up on his goal and he wasn’t “fixed” by some other character either. We, the readers, get to experience the complexities of having such a passionate hate-filled relationship with the one who betrayed you and led to so much of your suffering. The author does a good job of showing Ronan’s conflicting feelings regarding Cermin, the betrayer who, at one point, was the only light in his life. Unfortunately, in the end it’s revealed that Ou had actually sacrificed himself, meaning that everything that Ronan had worked so hard for was worthless. It makes his revenge completely unjustified. I can guess why the author chose to go this route: it allows for the story to be continued in a second volume and for revenge to be condemned as something inherently bad. The betrayal and discrimination that Ronan experienced is something that many people are able to genuinely relate to. This novel’s ending just feels like it invalidates the(perfectly justified) resentment and want for vengeance that victims feel. I honestly wish i hadn’t read the last couple chapters so that I could’ve remained in blissful ignorance and not have had to face such disappointment for a novel I thought so highly of. I would’ve been completely satisfied with the novel ending with the dog-eat-dog world that Ronan created. Thank you author for writing this novel, I don’t regret reading it(except the epilogue-esque chapters in the end).
so he married into nobility and still has the sheer AUDACITY to repeatedly cheat on his wife and act all high and mighty😒😒
Hitaro’s use of “Sherlock” makes it sound more like he’s being sarcastic than trying to suck up
I’ve read so many genuinely good stories/books that were ruined by romance! THANK YOU SO MUCH AUTHOR😭😭🥰