


I read once in a while.

2023-10-09 BeigetretenGlobal

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  • SukanDesuyo
    SukanDesuyo9 months ago

    Huh. For the 7 chapters that are published currently, it has me interested. It really feels like you are following a person in a survival documentry but in words. Anyway, the writing quality is average, and updates are quite constant, and the world building is starting to take off. I have high expectations for this novel, as the plot is unique and fun.

  • SukanDesuyo
    SukanDesuyoa year ago

    Is English not your first language? If it isn't then, good work! While the grammar structure isn't the best, such as missing full stops (punctuation marks) at like the end of a character's dialogue, other than that, I think the story has potential. The story has me, a casual reader, interested so good job on that. I will be sticking around, maybe editing my review here and there, so yeah. Keep up the good work.

  • SukanDesuyo
    SukanDesuyoa year ago

    Definitely a interesting story. Unique as well. In my opinion, the grammar isn’t terrible, but isn’t good either, I think more description is needed in certain parts of a text. Characters, they aren’t bad, the main character has a more evil, merciless personality, which is a breath of fresh air sometimes and all the side characters have their own personalities, motives for serving under Averill, and their own backgrounds, which make them more realistic. I’m hoping for more world building, but as this review written, only 9 chapters has been published, probably 10 soon, due to the constant weeklyish updates, so only it gives you a general gist of the fantasy world the story is set in. And also, pacing. I think some events are going a little too fast so maybe, maybe spread events throughout more chapters, such as chapter 7 and 8 and their content. Overall, the story is interesting, the characters are well written (for now) and I would likely stick around to see what happens next.