

2023-08-20 BeigetretenGlobal

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  • DaoistP7AHaa
    DaoistP7AHaaa year ago

    And you steal ANOTHER story I'm reading?!?! Really? Stop stealing from RoyalRoad and actually write something for yourself. For everyone else this is a renamed repost of "Skill Thief - The Color of Another World" written by KamikazePotato and hosted on RoyalRoad.

  • DaoistP7AHaa
    DaoistP7AHaaa year ago

    Just like the other novel this "author" has uploaded it is stolen. The original uploader has 341 chapters of this light novel available. I have no idea what this thief and liar has to gain from stealing other people's work.

  • DaoistP7AHaa
    DaoistP7AHaaa year ago
    Antwortet auf Fo_Satan

    RoyalRoad is where this thief got it. The real author has almost 500 chapters available.

    Dieses Buch wurde gelöscht.
  • DaoistP7AHaa
    DaoistP7AHaaa year ago
    Antwortet auf Mr_Thief

    I have read it. All of it. Over on RoyalRoad where you stole it from.

    Dieses Buch wurde gelöscht.
  • DaoistP7AHaa
    DaoistP7AHaaa year ago
    Antwortet auf sam_kaal

    Go read it on RoyalRoad where this "author" stole it from. There are over 450 chapters by the real author there.

    Dieses Buch wurde gelöscht.
  • DaoistP7AHaa
    DaoistP7AHaaa year ago
    Antwortet auf Zohaib_Rashid

    The "author" is a thief. If you want to read the full story posted be the real author go to RoyalRoad and read all 459 chapters there.

    Dieses Buch wurde gelöscht.
  • DaoistP7AHaa
    DaoistP7AHaaa year ago
    Antwortet auf Egoisti_Op

    If you want new chapters go to RoyalRoad where this person stole it from. The real author has over 400 chapters available there.

    Dieses Buch wurde gelöscht.
  • DaoistP7AHaa
    DaoistP7AHaaa year ago
    Antwortet auf SimmiGirl

    This author is a thief and a liar. Go support the REAL author over on RoyalRoad where there are 459 chapters.

    Dieses Buch wurde gelöscht.
  • DaoistP7AHaa
    DaoistP7AHaaa year ago
    Antwortet auf Z0HAIB

    The author is a thief and liar. Go support the REAL author that this story was stolen from over on RoyalRoad.

    Dieses Buch wurde gelöscht.
  • DaoistP7AHaa
    DaoistP7AHaaa year ago

    This is story was stolen from the real author, Wolfshine, on RoyalRoad. Do not support the thief that posted here. Steps are already being taken to remove this story from WebNovel.

    Dieses Buch wurde gelöscht.