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Author at least put yuri tag in your novel's tagline or in your synopsis out there so that complete straight men like us can avoid this novel altogether because i literally wasted my quite some time in it without even knowing early on that there was this kind of stuff too among MC's women so when it infuriated and disappointed me quite much and because of my possessive personality it impacted me more..... . but I still didn't reacted fiercely and calmed myself and here I am as a sensible reader.. advising that please put yuri tag out there so others can avoid who are not interested and can save their time and emotions......
I'll be honest I was speed running and researching this novel simultaneously to see if there is any Yuri or not but unfortunately it is here and I as a complete straight male and quite possessive one at that can't tolerate it even one bit especially between MC's women so I was leaving but before leaving I read some ultra intellectuals saying some derogatory things to us straight males in next paragraph like we are g_y..we need treatment etc etc because we are not into these things so I guess I would have to clearify one or two things..... . first of all we are completely straight is as simple as that and we are into straight females and not into these unrealistic females who first appeared as heterose_ual and then out of nowhere suddenly turn into homose_ual/bise_ual according to their situation and preference etc..
there are really quite some males here who are Les_ian/Yuri lovers...but that's not the point..the point and laughable thing is comment section and their replies cause someone really said..... . "who in the f__k doesn't like girl on girl action" "then one of them said they are g_y who don't like Les_ian stuff" "then one of them said they are insecure and then one of them even said they need treatment" . so basically if a straight man doesn't like Les_ian stuff..then he is all of those mentioned above and needs funny and laughable..are they really males with some sense or maybe they really are some teenagers with rising hormones who don't even know what they are blabbering.....
oh well...i got my answer..
is here previous life defining her working life or is it really some reincarnation stuff working here .
He has not only touched her but already has done the deed for no_one knows how many times..this is why MC and Siblings are no need to hate him for this reason because he is his father and he has the right..... . so even if nothing happens between MC and his would be ok and would be great actually but at the end of the day it's author's choice if he wants to involve his mother too or not.....
why bro...what's the beef between you two..while i have a clue it's better to listen from you..🤔