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Good writing, but I genuinely don't believe fire is the one you should give free rein to. Fire is the only element that cannot perpetuate itself. It's the only one that needs fuel to burn, and it burns the hand that feeds it. Fire is parasitic, only ever useful when controlled (or enslaved, as the theme of the book goes) and under constant supervision.
Only when it was controlled. Fire is only really useful when controlled.
Oi! The only hypocrite we like is the MC!!
Probably my favourite webnovel of all time. Nux is the single best OP/Harem MC I've seen. Smart, Flirtatious, Cares about his women, Isn't needlessly cruel but is fierce when actually angry. The women he has have great variety, and they also grow together with him. The smut is pretty well-written, and it's frontloaded i.e. after the first couple hundred chaps the smut content goes down and plot content increases. What happened in chapter 1902 made me so happy and kinda proud to have followed this novel for years. Thank you Sloth for making this piece of work.
"I love you more" is going to remain in my memory for a long long while. Amazing conclusion to this arc/plotline. Thanks for the chapter, and tbh thanks for SHGS as a whole.
This is the second ever time I have used this image in this app. Nux deserves it.
My goat flexes on all
She don't even get a single line in wtf boss man 😭
Nice subtle foreshadowing out here author