


Yo, it's me, the Editor of a story you're reading.

2022-12-19 JoinedGlobal



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Villain: Hero's wishes are doubled

Rowan, a person who liked to read webnovels falling under the Urban genre, was transmigrated to a world consisting of several such works. In this world, he was a villain but, knowing about the story and cliches that could happen, combined with his system that fulfilled any wish of his with some limitations, Rowan ensued chaos into the world and ended up as a victor against the original storyline. BUT, this was not acceptable for the higher beings. They could not see the world's balance fail and fall into crumbles but they could also not descend themselves and participate in the story so, they reversed the time and put a curse on Rowan's system. "Whatever you wish for, the protagonist receives the double of it." - Higher Beings. "Well then, please raise my body's temperature to 36.8 degrees celsius." - Rowan. [The first protagonist has died due to a body temperature of 73.6 degrees celsius] "I very much wish to sleep for 12 hours every day for a week." [The broke protagonist slept for 24 hours a day for a week, unable to be taken to the hospital, he died due to severe dehydration, starvation, hygiene problems and several more reasons...] "Yeah baby, another wish…Yes, please make a 140 pound, tall and beautiful woman fall on me." [...] *********************** And, people, as you may know, this is another MTL which I have EDITED and poured some of my own jokes and elements. Still, if you want to read the mtl itself, I'll give the link in my review. Other than that, I know a lot of people are prejudiced about harems but, believe me, try this one once. Anyhow, just try it once. Also, yup, it ain't a fanfiction but I upload it here to stay safe from any 'accident' I may encounter from posting this.

Almostaslave · Others
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