


mcs cold, daggers, harem, milf, dragons, assassins

2022-12-05 BeigetretenMexico



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  • Black_Reaper13

    hahahahaha boooooom!!!!!!

    The next moment, a blinding white light started to bloom like an apocalyptic volcano!
    Cursed Immortality
    Fantasie · Wahi
  • Black_Reaper13
    Antwortet auf Primordial_Seven


    Emerging from his intensive training within the space-time cube, Ling Tian felt a profound sense of accomplishment and power.
    Transcending Cultivation: Path of Absolute!
    Ost · Primordial_Seven
  • Black_Reaper13
    Antwortet auf Ateeb_Ahmed_6204

    They are the ones I like the most, I planned to add light as defined, but it wouldn't be

    [Elemental Affinities]
    The way of the black dragon
    Fantasie · Black_Reaper13
  • Black_Reaper13
    Antwortet auf Amit_Sahu_8304

    I am also a student, well in fact I don't know how I did it, so far I have only read about 6 chapters, I create many accounts and with fast passes I read about 14 chapters a day...

    I alone am the Honoured One!
    Ost · Akkuzz_69
  • Black_Reaper13
    Antwortet auf Ateeb_Ahmed_6204

    It is possible, but taking into account the life that an assassin led, he accumulates injuries

    Suddenly, one of the men spoke breathlessly, "And to think that after all the preparations we made, of the more than fifty assassins sent to kill you, you managed to take down more than half. As expected of Zero, even after of the middle twenty- Seven years you are still the same." And he continued: "It's a shame you have to die here..."
    The way of the black dragon
    Fantasie · Black_Reaper13
  • Black_Reaper13
    Antwortet auf Malcolm_Massey

    Don't worry, maybe if my comment offended you, I apologize. Anyway, thank you for giving me your opinion, but sometimes it's complicated to write a scene. Personally, it amuses me a little that you find errors or things to argue, I'm practically waiting. Let's see when you find an error or something like that.

    The force of the attack sent him flying through the air until he finally collided with a nearby tree with a dull thud. The impact left him momentarily stunned, his breathing labored as he struggled to catch his breath.
    The way of the black dragon
    Fantasie · Black_Reaper13
  • Black_Reaper13
    Antwortet auf Malcolm_Massey

    You should keep in mind that Monsters can be in the same rank as him but have higher attributes in a stat, the last two goblins had higher attributes in strength and stamina, but their speed was a little slow or the same, I think I mentioned it. in your point of view

    The force of the attack sent him flying through the air until he finally collided with a nearby tree with a dull thud. The impact left him momentarily stunned, his breathing labored as he struggled to catch his breath.
    The way of the black dragon
    Fantasie · Black_Reaper13
  • Black_Reaper13
    Antwortet auf Malcolm_Massey

    That was a mistake, I thought I had corrected it, they are all F- rank but the last goblin was more powerful than the rest

    The force of the attack sent him flying through the air until he finally collided with a nearby tree with a dull thud. The impact left him momentarily stunned, his breathing labored as he struggled to catch his breath.
    The way of the black dragon
    Fantasie · Black_Reaper13
  • Black_Reaper13
    Antwortet auf Malcolm_Massey

    Yes, I try to keep them brief so they don't get boring

    I think this has been the best chapter I've written so far. I honestly wanted to make the fight scene with the wolves longer, but I was undecided whether making it longer would make it boring. However, I would like feedback on what you think of the fight scenes.
    The way of the black dragon
    Fantasie · Black_Reaper13
  • Black_Reaper13
    Antwortet auf


    The force of the attack sent him flying through the air until he finally collided with a nearby tree with a dull thud. The impact left him momentarily stunned, his breathing labored as he struggled to catch his breath.
    The way of the black dragon
    Fantasie · Black_Reaper13
  • Black_Reaper13
    Antwortet auf Malcolm_Massey


    [Level] - 6 (EXP 500/600)
    The way of the black dragon
    Fantasie · Black_Reaper13
  • Black_Reaper13
    Antwortet auf Black_Reaper13

    Those are the approximate times I set

    Advancing slowly towards the tent, his senses heightened to the maximum, ready to react to any movement, the daggers in his hands gleamed in the moonlight, revealing the reflection of his cold, emotionless eyes. Just as he was about to enter, a deafening roar echoed from within, followed by a sudden explosion that shattered the tent in a burst of debris and dust.
    The way of the black dragon
    Fantasie · Black_Reaper13
  • Black_Reaper13
    Antwortet auf Black_Reaper13

    10 in the morning woke up One hour to prepare 2 hours to eat 1 in the afternoon I just ate 1:40 arrived at the bank 2:10 arrived at the guild 2:20 arrived in a remote area 3:15 arrived I heard strange sounds 4:30 he finished his elf watching. 5:00 I finish following the elf and finding the camp 10:00 the killing began 12:00 the slaughter ended

    Advancing slowly towards the tent, his senses heightened to the maximum, ready to react to any movement, the daggers in his hands gleamed in the moonlight, revealing the reflection of his cold, emotionless eyes. Just as he was about to enter, a deafening roar echoed from within, followed by a sudden explosion that shattered the tent in a burst of debris and dust.
    The way of the black dragon
    Fantasie · Black_Reaper13
  • Black_Reaper13
    Antwortet auf Malcolm_Massey

    There is a paragraph that says hours after running, I did not specify the time spent searching in the forest

    Advancing slowly towards the tent, his senses heightened to the maximum, ready to react to any movement, the daggers in his hands gleamed in the moonlight, revealing the reflection of his cold, emotionless eyes. Just as he was about to enter, a deafening roar echoed from within, followed by a sudden explosion that shattered the tent in a burst of debris and dust.
    The way of the black dragon
    Fantasie · Black_Reaper13
  • Black_Reaper13
    Antwortet auf Malcolm_Massey

    What can I say, they are words that I know and use

    'Hmm... I'm four levels away from my core gaining a magical star,' Aethereis thought as he reclined against the tree bark. Observing the sky, a magnificent landscape where the stars shone brightly and, amidst it all, two moons adorned the firmament. he closed his eyes as the gentle breeze of the wind caressed his face.
    The way of the black dragon
    Fantasie · Black_Reaper13
  • Black_Reaper13
    Antwortet auf Malcolm_Massey

    for level +400 it is like 7 million

    [Level] - 6 (EXP 500/600)
    The way of the black dragon
    Fantasie · Black_Reaper13
  • Black_Reaper13
    Antwortet auf Malcolm_Massey

    internal organs

    Spitting out a bit of blood, I observed my target. His skin, like that of the other goblins, was green. He was clad in rough leather armor, and the only thing setting him apart was his slightly taller stature and the fact that he wielded a large sword made of stone.
    The way of the black dragon
    Fantasie · Black_Reaper13
  • Black_Reaper13
    Antwortet auf

    I will have to review the chapter that chapter

    Advancing slowly towards the tent, his senses heightened to the maximum, ready to react to any movement, the daggers in his hands gleamed in the moonlight, revealing the reflection of his cold, emotionless eyes. Just as he was about to enter, a deafening roar echoed from within, followed by a sudden explosion that shattered the tent in a burst of debris and dust.
    The way of the black dragon
    Fantasie · Black_Reaper13
  • Black_Reaper13
    Antwortet auf Malcolm_Massey

    Well, I have already said that this is how he behaves, you cannot ask a person to change in two days or a week, that is irrational, by the way I do not plan for him to change much in his emotions, he only develops love and that after a while and for various reasons. factors

    After ten minutes of running, all that could be seen was the dense foliage of the trees. Upon reaching the forest's periphery, Aethereis stopped. With a mental command, the earring on his ear transformed into a pair of curved daggers. At that moment, his entire demeanor changed completely. His expression became vacant, like that of a doll, returning to the cold assassin he once was.
    The way of the black dragon
    Fantasie · Black_Reaper13
  • Black_Reaper13
    Antwortet auf Malcolm_Massey

    whatever the ear is, and well, as in some missions I put in, fangs or horns were required

    There have been reports of goblins causing trouble in the forest west of the city. The mission requires the subjugation of at least ten goblins. [Payment]: 10 silver coins
    The way of the black dragon
    Fantasie · Black_Reaper13