


Not much to really know just like stories.

2022-11-19 BeigetretenGlobal

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  • ZetaGrid
    ZetaGrid2 years ago
    Antwortet auf Gabriel_Trejo_1425

    I'm the author on a different account. Be warned ⚠️ this novel is not for the weak hearted and is very dark. This is my personal opinion on this story it's not about an overwhelming, powerful Mc Alee Dracon who always gets lucky and receives help and gets saved at the right time or gets a major power-up in middle of a fight, the Mc is a dragon who experiences life and is raised to be better than his fellow kin due to his Bloodline and has been placed expectations and privileges that inflate his ego over others of his kind all except his own family, and family has always been his number 1 motivation because of their actions such as determination and discipline and surprising patience, which Red Dragons are not known for and is solely unique to his parents which at the time he didn't really pay attention, but down the line as he faces Challenges, Disasters, Pain and Suffering and just struggling to survive and seek his revenge, and forms a legend by his carnage left behind and along the way he meets a few hundred weak survivors of and Old Fallen Race that once donated the world before disaster struck hidden and as he thought of cutting them down and using them as food he met a family much like his own that while other fled or were stuck in fear the parents stood tall, the father stared him in the eyes unflinching while he tried to convince his wife to run while the Mother shielded her 3 children behind her stubbornness clearly engraved in her bones from her firm No say she won't leave him, and of the 3 children 1 stared at him with a pure innocent shine in her eye and did the unthinkable and rushed towards him while her parents yelled for her to stop, but she continued and stopped burly a few feet from Alee and at that moment Alee would experience a old memory of when he was young and would slowly resonate with the child as He saw his old self in her eyes which showed only Curiosity, Excitement and Unyielding confidence and at that moment he made 1 exception from his normal Rhythm as he did not wish the same fate to befall this child as it did to his along with Its race and decide to teach them and slowly realized how in common they were. so he left a major impact with that race before he left, and 50 years later, they will be later known as The Crooken, which I'm sure he would have been proud of, but unfortunately as he was onto his final last few enemies he was unaware of a massive trap that they have sprung with Multiple Armies, War machines, Rival Dragons, Dragon slaying weapons and more and although outnumber and out match he fought and fought remember his family, the horrors they did to his Ancestors, the betrayals of his own fellow dragon kin like the water Dragons, all the pain and suffering so close to vengeance, but knew he was going To die here he took one last memory of the little race hidden, of that family and of the child he treated like his family no... became his family, and he smiled as he started to fall from the sky and slammed into the ground, his wings torn, tail broken, body pierced with all sorts of weapons bleeding, 1 of his eyes clawed out, but he was not done yet his feet still worked along with his arms, he kept pushing up holding that last memory flickering in and out of the his new family even as blood tears run down his last eye, even as he faced all his enemy his smile never left his face and with a God like Roar he charged and faced his death like a real dragon............ I will try to make you care for the main character, Alee Dracon, as if you know him or feel like at least you experience his life as if he was real so that way even If you know his death is coming you will read it through until the end. And know he at least went out like most would want to go to the afterlife, with purpose and a smile on their face looking death straight in the eye saying I don't got all day, do your worst.