

2022-10-29 BeigetretenGlobal

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  • Marc_Moon

    I would literally just open a restaurant Double the profits lol

    "Healing pill is being simplified. Simplification successful. Healing Pill → Fried Chicken!" 
    Cultivation: Start From Simplifying Martial Arts Techniques
    Ost · Eat More Fish
  • Marc_Moon

    I don't mind the needing money part. i just hope the MC is actually smart to fully take advantage of this system and author to not make forced plots to distract mc from gradual progress

    "Discovered cultivation technique. Do you want to spend one tael of silver to simplify Extreme Mountain Fist?"
    Cultivation: Start From Simplifying Martial Arts Techniques
    Ost · Eat More Fish
  • Marc_Moon

    Go chase your dream..."Cuz you're useless and no longer needed here. You always rely on your big brother to get rid of the burden of the family. Istead of finding ways to help, you wait around for someone else to solve the problems in your life and even then you still had the audacity to dream while the people around you suffers."i also blame the MC for not disciplining them. As the oldest in the family, he needs not to sugarcoat their crisis in life so that everyone adapts properly and act more mature and responsible...not like spoiled brats.

    "Then, Go Chase your Dream."
    The WealthTap System: Rising from Rags to Riches
    Urban · QuantumVoid
  • Marc_Moon
    Antwortet auf JLBBMT10

    NGL...The sisters are annoying AF.

    "W-What?! Why?!" Cathy's mood suddenly took a 180-degree turn from playful to pissed off.
    The WealthTap System: Rising from Rags to Riches
    Urban · QuantumVoid
  • Marc_Moon

    Why do I feel that they're so ungrateful to him? He just paid a large debt that could have destroyed their lives and here they are ruining his needed sleep. If this wasn't a novel, the MC would have died at a young age.

    "I am counting till three, you better wake up. Three...Two...One..."
    The WealthTap System: Rising from Rags to Riches
    Urban · QuantumVoid
  • Marc_Moon
    Antwortet auf Marouri7

    and I don't think he would care. You tend not to care about complicated things when you lived for 50 000 years. The only reason he's so excited now is because there's life in this world...in vegetables, in humans, in plants and even in animals. Life surrounds him which he previously lacked for 50 000 years.

    Looking at how the plant ran, Leo couldn't help but laugh as it looked like a running chimpanzee. He then cleaned the pot and started making the next batch of poison potion for the plant. Then, he called it a night.
    Florida Man's General Store in Cultivation World
    Fantasie · DamnPlotArmor
  • Marc_Moon

    not gonna lie...Having sentient pet plants is one of the reason I'd like to have Plant powers not to mention the unlimited amount of fruits and vegetables for consumption and trade.

    Cat was crestfallen. It stuck out its tongue and collapsed on the ground, sulking.
    Florida Man's General Store in Cultivation World
    Fantasie · DamnPlotArmor
  • Marc_Moon

    Didn't he told that Wu Buying the same thing and yet no customers yet except for this random poison dude...

    "Instead of that, how about you repay me now by spreading the word about my store. I'm selling pills and weed for cheap. Of course, I only accept lifespan."
    Florida Man's General Store in Cultivation World
    Fantasie · DamnPlotArmor
  • Marc_Moon

    I know he doesn't lose anything except for lifespan (recoverable), mortal resources (recoverable) and time (he's conditionally immortal)...BUT seeing him make a store and not even do business properly shakes my Dao of Peace and Prosperity.🫠

    "Consider it a promotion. You can have that for free."
    Florida Man's General Store in Cultivation World
    Fantasie · DamnPlotArmor
  • Marc_Moon

    I just realized something. The value of alchemists in this world will rise rapidly with how "cheap" the immortal grasses are being sold since they can just make pills to multiply their lifespan. it's not even a joke to say that Florida man's territory might be surrounded with alchemist sects in the future.

    The two men strolled toward the alchemy department, paying their pill maker a visit.
    Florida Man's General Store in Cultivation World
    Fantasie · DamnPlotArmor
  • Marc_Moon

    It's the {Never Botch} for me lol ...Did someone actually use that in a novel??? lol

    For example, a swordsman could have [Swift Sword], [Quick Slash], [Invisible Blade], or [Library of Flying Swords] as his Daoist name. An alchemist could also potentially earn [Thousand Cauldrons], [Fiery Alchemist], or [Never Botch] as his title, but no one could obtain anything related to other fields that they weren't specialized in. Moreover, one person could possess one title in their entire life.
    Florida Man's General Store in Cultivation World
    Fantasie · DamnPlotArmor
  • Marc_Moon

    the synopsis said "incredibly powerful affinity for magic"...

    Eventually, the entire night passed by. When he woke up, his face revealed the disappointment he had. Initially, he was very excited when he thought he would learn magic. But he failed to do anything. 
    I Just Inherited The Arcane Emperor's Legacy
    Fantasie · WhiteNightingale
  • Marc_Moon

    Honestly, I would make a secret group...ahem..cult. Gather talents to inherit the system and spread it secretly. Talents that have experienced extreme hardships and extremely poor circumstances. it's manipulating but it's one step to building your source of unlimited resource.

    The Empyrean System was different from the normal magical system - the Imperial Magic System in two ways. He would be condensing his magic into stars that he would store in his mind. Apparently, normal mages typically store it around their hearts because it is a lot easier. The Empyrean System requires great talent from the mages.
    I Just Inherited The Arcane Emperor's Legacy
    Fantasie · WhiteNightingale
  • Marc_Moon

    at the emerald specifically? why don't you just fate it was the fate of the MC all along to wield this tome...😐

    As he was admiring the book, blood started creeping out of the scratch he had. The blood had gathered at his elbow and eventually dripped onto the book. By the time he had realized it was too late. The blood fell onto the cover, just on top of the emerald.
    I Just Inherited The Arcane Emperor's Legacy
    Fantasie · WhiteNightingale
  • Marc_Moon

    The Arcane Emperor must have prophetic abilities cuz who would find this inheritance if not the MC. Especially if the blood use to open the runic walls only responds to a certain kind of blood. like the blood of a top prodigy or something 🤨

    As Leo entered the huge room, the gold engravings slowly died down. The golden light slowly moved out of the doors like a snake. Some of the golden light entered the room through the floor, following him, while the rest converged outside the room on top of the doors. The light settled on some engravings, forming a phrase.
    I Just Inherited The Arcane Emperor's Legacy
    Fantasie · WhiteNightingale
  • Marc_Moon

    "no guards at the exit" vs "they only had enough to shut the gate"

    The gates were open because it was day, and there were no guards at the exit. Most of the guards were stationed at the inner wall that guarded the nobles. They didn't care about the commoners enough to station guards there. They only had enough to shut the gate in case a monster breakout occurred.
    I Just Inherited The Arcane Emperor's Legacy
    Fantasie · WhiteNightingale
  • Marc_Moon

    dropped. i hate forced plots especially when done by careless mc.

    Feeling a throbbing headache building, I ran my fingers through my hair in frustration and tried to let go of the subject. I knew that it was already beyond my control and there was no point dwelling on it any longer.
    Extra's Magic
    Fantasie · Gurdon
  • Marc_Moon

    Wait...that's it???

    𝗦𝘁𝗮𝗺𝗶𝗻𝗮: 𝗚
    Extra's Magic
    Fantasie · Gurdon
  • Marc_Moon

    It's like the app has already planned his future...heck his parents are not doing it...so 😂

    "How about a bet? Your team will play with mine in a basketball match. If you win, I'll give you 100,000 dollars, and if you lose, you give me 100,000 dollars. What do you think?" A tall youngster who was about 6 foot four muttered in a confident tone. He was a varsity player at the renowned La Salle University and he has also been scouted by the local pro league because of his skills. The four young men who were standing behind him were also members of his university's basketball team. One of them was even six foot nine in height! He looked like a giant!
    I Can Claim Daily Rewards
    Urban · Malignant
  • Marc_Moon
    Antwortet auf DragonKnov

    True tho...I bet Sofia love his "personality" cough ..wealth...cough

    Arlan took the invitation card with a hesitant look. He hasn't been to a banquet hall before and he had no interest in chatting with strangers, but he still accepted the invitation card since it was given by his new friend. "Thanks. I'll be there if I'm not busy." He smiled at Sofia and went back to his room.
    I Can Claim Daily Rewards
    Urban · Malignant