

2022-10-22 BeigetretenGlobal



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Before Now

What happens when you discover your entire life has been nothing more than a lie? Elicia Zeh, a young 19 years old American teen and a physiology first year student in New York University discovers that the life she has been living for over 19years has been nothing more than a lie. .................... How could you mother?,she asked. How could you set father on fire?. Jace I trusted you and you did this to me. Shut up already elicia,jace shouted. I lived for 18 years without my parents just because of you and you say I am your best friend,what a joke,Jace said angrily. But why mother?elicia asked. Your father left everything in your name and we needed you to sign it over to us.We thought by keeping you with us and sending jace away you would love us. Our love didn't even move you,so we got jace to drug you to get your signature. Who would have thought you would have sex with a random man?diamond said.Elicia cleaned the tears on her face and walked to jace and slapped her. What the heck elicia!!!jace shouted. She then turned to Mr Zeh and Mrs Zeh,"You guys may have taken over my father's properties from me but mark my words today I would take back everything you guys took and more. A life for a life!!,".She then left the Zeh Mansion. Father I promise to take revenge on all those who were behind your death and I wouldn't spare anyone but right now I need to be enabled. She then picked up her phone and called sandra.Hey ,sandra I need your help. Revenge has something similar to drug,the both can be addictive. Would elicia's drive for revenge be stronger than love?,or will love stop her from taking revenge?

Cindy_Crux · Teenager
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