Thrones of Deity
Have you ever heard these phrases before. Never again will the waters become a flood. To us a child is born, to us a son is given. I can feel it in my bones. There is no passion to be found playing small. London bridge as fallen, the Queen is dead. Phrases so great that they can usher in a new era. Whether an era of peace, destruction, Chaos or love. A lot of people fear the start of a new era, but as you can see nothing bad as happen at the cost of these new beginnings and nothing is being expected to happen, because of the new generations and the changes in belief. except the fact that the first white man to be born was thrown out by his people resulting in the enslavement of black people for hundreds of years. These Phrases might not have meant much at the time they were said, but today they are like a sniper pulling the trigger of his gun and only grazing its target. Well those might have, but you know one phrase that didn't miss it's target's bullseye.
OBBrown · Fantasie