



2022-09-02 BeigetretenIndia



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  • H75_N


    Potential: Green (78.53%)
    Pokemon Alternate Universe Adventures
    Anime und Comics · Azrail93
  • H75_N

    just imagine a 100 meter long garados as a pokemon. Who would want to miss out on that.

    Even if it ended up having deep red potential, Utopia would raise it to either light orange or orange potential, and from there I would slowly but surely help it become stronger and stronger. I would pump it full with the best supplements to ensure optimal training results and patiently help it complete its limit-breaking phase during each stage. Even if it took a century or two or even three, it would be able to attain at least deep green or light blue potential by the time it was at the dark gold stage.
    Pokemon Alternate Universe Adventures
    Anime und Comics · Azrail93
  • H75_N
    Nonetheless, there were still 4 hours until midnight, so I continued to fish in hopes of catching a great one before leaving for the night. However, things did not go the way I wanted them to. Honestly, I did get a bit lucky and managed to capture a Seaking and even a Sharpedo. The latter actually tried to attack me after I dragged him on board, forcing me to kick his ass, which had the security and the other contestants googling in disbelief.
    Pokemon Alternate Universe Adventures
    Anime und Comics · Azrail93
  • H75_N
    I continued to fish like a good boy after resisting the cookies of the dark side, and as luck would have it, my third catch after that turned out to be extremely hard to reel in. My catch was resisting rather strongly, and I actually had to use quite a bit of my true strength to keep reeling in whatever Pokemon had bit my hook.
    Pokemon Alternate Universe Adventures
    Anime und Comics · Azrail93
  • H75_N
    The reason I was interested in the tournament was the prize they offered to the winner. It was a 4-star Munchlax egg and I honestly could not believe my eyes when I saw that. While it was unbelievable that they offered a 4-star egg of the Snorlax line as a prize, it was important to note, that the egg was listed as Munchlax and not Snorlax, which made it even more valuable due to the chance its evolution presented.
    Pokemon Alternate Universe Adventures
    Anime und Comics · Azrail93
  • H75_N
    Antwortet auf lbaro97

    ever thing is. and always was. I have even memorized the pattern.

    On Mewday of week 4, the week we had off, Paravti/Beedrill came to me and asked me to check her status sheet since she felt as if she was done with her limit-breaking phase. A quick check confirmed that she was right, and if that had happened just two days earlier, we would have had to postpone her breakthrough until I was able to enter Utopia. Thankfully, that did not happen, and as soon as we had the confirmation that she was ready, I announced her upcoming breakthrough over UtopiaFM.
    Pokemon Alternate Universe Adventures
    Anime und Comics · Azrail93
  • H75_N
    Antwortet auf Nidhin_Vijay
    Looking at Rose, it seemed like she was caught off guard as well, and I doubted that she had not investigated Rahul. Moments later the host actually confirmed that Rahul was using this Azumarill for the first time ever in a contest/tournament, effectively making the Festival's final battle Azumarill's debut.
    Pokemon Alternate Universe Adventures
    Anime und Comics · Azrail93
  • H75_N
    Karen (C, new)
    Pokemon Alternate Universe Adventures
    Anime und Comics · Azrail93
  • H75_N

    Super Cultivator

    (Genetic) Modifier: Shiny, Royal*'
    Pokemon Alternate Universe Adventures
    Anime und Comics · Azrail93
  • H75_N
    Well, they came in handy now, and I handed each girl a bouquet of 12 glass flowers, with the flowers chosen to suit their preferences. The girls were happy, I handled the situation cleanly, and I certainly enjoyed Ace's disbelieving look when I dealt with the surprise so easily. All in all, everyone was happy.
    Pokemon Alternate Universe Adventures
    Anime und Comics · Azrail93
  • H75_N
    However, seeing how they had only prepared a gift for me and looking at their reactions to the gifts they pulled out, I was pretty sure this was not a planned thing. When I threw a look at the boys, Ace just teasingly told me to not look at him like that and that he did not have a gift for me since they usually did not exchange gifts and no one had told him about this.
    Pokemon Alternate Universe Adventures
    Anime und Comics · Azrail93
  • H75_N

    I think you are neglecting aura and psychic as well. it's been three years since no progress in those.

    Shaking off these distracting thoughts, I threw a last look at my reserve and went back home. Once there, I made my way to the backyard and lay down on the grass to meditate. I wanted to focus on my ground energy since I had been neglecting it somewhat lately if we discounted my use of it for the clones.
    Pokemon Alternate Universe Adventures
    Anime und Comics · Azrail93
  • H75_N

    how strong is mikail now like is he as powerfull as a gold stage pokemon or stronger?

    Mothra teleported us straight in front of the Police HQ, and our arrival attracted quite a bit of attention due to our sudden arrival as well as the immobilized captives. Detective Monroe swiftly pulled out her badge and conscripted a few of the officers at the entrance to help us take in our captives while reading them their rights.
    Pokemon Alternate Universe Adventures
    Anime und Comics · Azrail93
  • H75_N

    guess who

    "On the matter of Legendaries, Lord Volcanion wanted me to tell you that you don't have to worry about any Legendary acting against you because you are apparently under the divine protection of the highest order," Ignis announced and everyone cried out in shock, excitement, and incredulity.
    Pokemon Alternate Universe Adventures
    Anime und Comics · Azrail93
  • H75_N

    we are listening

    The counseling session that followed did not go as I expected it to as well. She first asked me quite a few seemingly completely unrelated questions, such as "What are you thinking about your practical year so far?", "What are your plans for the future?", "What's your favorite food?", "What's your favorite drink?", "What are your favorite 3 Pokemon?", "What's your favorite type?", and "Which type do you like the least?".
    Pokemon Alternate Universe Adventures
    Anime und Comics · Azrail93
  • H75_N
    Antwortet auf Taya_Sama


    The counseling session that followed did not go as I expected it to as well. She first asked me quite a few seemingly completely unrelated questions, such as "What are you thinking about your practical year so far?", "What are your plans for the future?", "What's your favorite food?", "What's your favorite drink?", "What are your favorite 3 Pokemon?", "What's your favorite type?", and "Which type do you like the least?".
    Pokemon Alternate Universe Adventures
    Anime und Comics · Azrail93
  • H75_N

    simple just capture her as well

    Honestly, the only reason I could have to decline her offer/request that I could think of was Utopia or rather the fact that I would not be able to camp inside Utopia at night if I traveled with her, at least not as long as I was not willing to take her inside with me.
    Pokemon Alternate Universe Adventures
    Anime und Comics · Azrail93
  • H75_N
    Antwortet auf Azrail93

    honestly I am more curious about mikails progress than his pokemons. Donno why but I want to see him spam all those elements like vegetables than his pokemon do the same.

    Honestly, that aura affinity came out of nowhere. The only reason I could think of was our bond and my own aura. Maybe the bond feedback Mothra had been receiving from me had reached a certain saturation point, which then resulted in her unlocking a budding aura affinity.
    Pokemon Alternate Universe Adventures
    Anime und Comics · Azrail93
  • H75_N
    I certainly failed to understand those people. I mean, if you absolutely needed a dark-type feline Pokemon, then Purrloin was definitely the better choice. Not only did it and its evolution, Liepard, look better than the Alolan Meowth line, but it was easier to handle as well. Though, Liepard could be moody and vicious as well.
    Pokemon Alternate Universe Adventures
    Anime und Comics · Azrail93
  • H75_N

    what if you use the replication function of utopia on it?

    That would probably be a pretty good way to boost a Pokemon in some form. Without actually seeing it, I could only go with assumptions, but I could see such a feather granting a Pokemon a big potential boost or unlocking a gene upon use. It could also lead to a blessing being granted. Everything was possible, even the possibility of nothing happening.
    Pokemon Alternate Universe Adventures
    Anime und Comics · Azrail93