Visionary Odyssey
Liam Oshua, a former resident of Earth, meets an anomalous entity who promises to grant him a new life, one brimming with fascination and wonder, a sharp contrast to his life now. Holding no attachment to his current life, he accepts the offer!
Reincarnated as a young boy, he adopts the name, "Zhin Ayner." Playing the facade as Zhin Ayner, he delves into the world's intricacies, baffled, and allured by the pretense of the unknown. Truly, it was like a dream come true. However, little does he know that the the magical and mesmerising world is veiled from a sinister darkness that cradles within!
Watch as Zhin treads forth, unraveling the obscured secrets, and watch as he transcends to unprecedented heights of supremacy.
Hello, author here. It may start boring, but I believe it will get better. Read along, and let me know of any mistakes I may make, and I ask of your guidance as I weave this masterpiece. This novel is participating in the Webnovel Spirity Awards 2024, and will also take part in the Webnovel Summer Sprinting Party.
And for the abbreviation of this novel, it was supposed to be "Visionary Odyssey," but it didn't fit... sigh.
Well, that's it.
I hope y'all enjoy.
Zal01 · Fantasie