


i like to reply to dumb and idiotic takes

2022-08-22 BeigetretenGlobal



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  • simp212
    Antwortet auf Pythia

    maybe I am, maybe I'm not, who knows? never checked really. but that explains so much about your tendencies, maybe you have a delusional disorder too? you should check that out.

    A Swallow's Path
    Videospiele · Pythia
  • simp212
    Antwortet auf Pythia

    great, so now you're using insults as self-defence, you look like a 'veteran' reader, yet your tolerance to comments are seemingly quite low, guess you're quite lucky as your story doesn't really have a big reach yet, otherwise, you'll burn out quickly.

    A Swallow's Path
    Videospiele · Pythia
  • simp212
    Antwortet auf Pythia

    so that was your alt account or not? cause if it is, it's rather sad for you to review your own novel using your alt account. now now, you said it yourself, your account name, the cover picture, your profile picture, all ciri. if your novel is not biased to her, then I don't know what is. and seriously, you just kept going, I reviewed it because I want it, and now you're salty, you said that reviews should be subjective, and I said my opinion, but now you're mad because I'm being subjective?

    A Swallow's Path
    Videospiele · Pythia
  • simp212
    Antwortet auf Pythia

    oh wow so that was your alt account. anyway, in my opinion, stories like this(built around the female lead and built around author's crush of the character) won't last long, and the quality will drop quickly by the time the MC peaked at their relationship with the fl, because the author tends to get bored at that time, as the 'scenarios' they've built in their mind have all been written. I hope that's not the case for you though. well, maybe you've thought of a lot of scenarios(I can tell, the profile picture, the name, etc), and it would make the story much longer and better. that's it for me then ;)

    A Swallow's Path
    Videospiele · Pythia
  • simp212
    Antwortet auf SwanDive

    do you not read my comment? i said that not because of the situation, but because of the author's view of ciri as a whole, he clearly has a crush on the fictional character, i mean, look at the descriptions from the chapters before, and i'm annoyed by it.

    A Swallow's Path
    Videospiele · Pythia
  • simp212
    Antwortet auf SwanDive

    you the author's alt account or something? I said that because at that point it's a bit annoying how the author have a clear bias towards ciri, how he clearly have a crush on the fictional character, how clear the reason he wrote this story IS because of ciri. and for a guy who strongly recomends that authors shouldn't do romance, you seem awfully bent on defending it, but i guess I do see that the romance is kinda good, compared to other story in this site at least.

    A Swallow's Path
    Videospiele · Pythia
  • simp212
    Antwortet auf SwanDive

    do you even know how to write reviews? there are several categories of stars, i simply rated them based on my opinion, or do you also feel a sense of entitlement with my train of thoughts? reviews are opinions, based on how readers like it and don't like, while ratings are a quantifier based on the site spesification , i put 5 stars in writing quality because the grammar and wording are perfect, but I also put 3 stars in story quality and character development because the story bores me and I see no significant trait of the mc has that appeals to me. is it that hard to understand?

    A Swallow's Path
    Videospiele · Pythia
  • simp212
    Antwortet auf Pythia

    so? "may" means it has the possibility of it being the case, otherwise it won't be mentioned at all, but op outright denied it altogether saying that it's just "a thin sword with an edgy name".

    My gaze turns towards the sword on Daemon's waist. Dark Sister was always a slim sword, originally made for a woman, but it doesn't mean it's useless if it's used by men. I mean, the idea of having a legendary sword like that is quite cool, but…
    House of The Dragon: Reincarnated as Daemon Targaryen's Son
    TV · idiotic_writer
  • simp212

    i know it's wish fullfilment, but it's getting too smooth for the mc, no concequences at all, even the faith didn't bow down to Maegor the cruel for a long time before the high septon died, and even then the faith militant still rages on until jaehaerys reign. i see readers said that mc is hand holding the targaryens too much, i say he's destroying what aegon and jaehaerys built slowly with his selfishness and pride. tldr, i feel like it's getting boring.

    Ch 17 High Septon
    In House of The Dragon being the last noble of Valyrian Freehold
    TV · FroasT_King
  • simp212

    the good, the bad, the meh. the good: 1. it's really well written, by that i mean the words are a bit "poetic" like a normal piece of fictional novel, unlike most of the stories here, whichis quite nice. 2. the "progression" of the plot is natural, like there's a reason ciri is there, notjust because she's there because the autbor wants mc to f her. the meh: 1. the author's a siimp, not the mc(at least not yet), but the author. if you read it, you can tell his bias against ciri. 2. now i might be a bit biassed here, but i hate when author does 3rd pov, yet they saw a character's thoughts on the dialog format instead of good ol exposition. i mean if you want to do that, justuse a 1st pov, or switch between scenes. the bad: 1. i don't know if it's just me, but the story... just don't really hook me, maybe I was thrown off by that prologue, but who knows. 2. in the prologue, the mc suddenly thought of something that feels like the author just ripped it from the wiki, andpaste it to become mc's thoughts, it just threw me off a little, likeat least make it like he's talking to himself, not thinking about it to tell the reader about the lore. --- there's one more about the author suddenly name dropping ciri without her introducing herself, but I don't know where to out put it tbh. overall, an average to decent story, should read it to see if it fits your taste.

    A Swallow's Path
    Videospiele · Pythia
  • simp212

    oh wow, i wanna say simp, but i am one myself

    'Be strong Lucius. She needs someone...She's alone in this world.' Was the sorrowful thought Lucius replayed like a broken record. Not knowing whether it was more for the girl or himself.
    A Swallow's Path
    Videospiele · Pythia
  • simp212

    you suddenly name drop her... i mean i know it's ciri from before, but come on, at least let herself introduced her self first before the narator(you, the author) say her name, i'm starting to see a pattern here...

    Dieser Absatz wurde gestrichen.
    A Swallow's Path
    Videospiele · Pythia
  • simp212

    seriously? why?

    Dieser Absatz wurde gestrichen.
    A Swallow's Path
    Videospiele · Pythia
  • simp212
    Antwortet auf CopyPaste1

    no seriously, I can't understand this. if it's fanart, I could understand, but if it's books, like OP said, it's just a bunch of words bruh, no description of her shape of face at all as far as I'm concerned. how can you compare this: "Princess Rhaenyra, the little girl the court singers dubbed “the Realm’s Delight.” Though only six when her father came to the Iron Throne, Rhaenyra Targaryen was a precocious child, bright and bold and beautiful as only one of dragon’s blood can be beautiful" To this:

    Ch 13 Pride
    In House of The Dragon being the last noble of Valyrian Freehold
    TV · FroasT_King
  • simp212

    oh usually i'm not this early, but let's review this. as usual, the good, the bad, the meh. the good: 1. the grammar is quite good, at least, compared to the rest of the novels in this app. 2. it's dance of the dragons fanfic, though if we see MC's circumstances, i imagine that it'll be quite different. 3. the author did his research on the world, and tries to make the character as accurate as possible, though there's some off things here and there that we'll talk about below. 4. The MC isn't that OP, he just some enhancements on his senses, and the author teased that he can do a bit of runic magic as well. i just hope that the mc will have obstacles instead of everything going too well for him like that other HotD fanfic last week... the meh: 1. i don't quite like the start. How Daemon could somehow "get along" with Rhea is a bit off for me, though I guess that's the whole point. 2. i don't really like the 1st POV style to be honest, I like it more when the author writes on 3rd POV, but I guess the 1st pov has its charm. bad: 1. to be honest, i don't really have a huge complain, although there's one that bothers me the most. the MC said that he wants to have freedom, but I don't see what kind of freedom does he want. does he wants to do whatever he wants? or simply that no one bothers him? idk author doesn't explain it very wel, but it's quite early, maybe he'll explain it later. overall, a really good fanfic to be honest, for me anyways, it's a good start

    House of The Dragon: Reincarnated as Daemon Targaryen's Son
    TV · idiotic_writer
  • simp212


    Rhaenyra couldn't find a word to refute him. She is quite weak against the word wife. Whenever Arthur speaks of it, she becomes docile like a cat.
    In House of The Dragon being the last noble of Valyrian Freehold
    TV · FroasT_King
  • simp212
    Antwortet auf AenarionVoldigoad

    how can you compare the beauty of a real life actress with a paragraph of description? i am genuinely curious about your line of thinking.

    Ch 13 Pride
    In House of The Dragon being the last noble of Valyrian Freehold
    TV · FroasT_King
  • simp212
    Antwortet auf AenarionVoldigoad

    how can you tell? the sentences of the book magically turned into a beautiful picture of a woman in your eyes?

    Ch 13 Pride
    In House of The Dragon being the last noble of Valyrian Freehold
    TV · FroasT_King
  • simp212

    haven't read the fic, but helaena seems like a good choice, not alicent, besides, KEEP THE BLOOD PUREEEEEE

    3. Alicent (Not sure.Might remove her later)
    In House of The Dragon being the last noble of Valyrian Freehold
    TV · FroasT_King
  • simp212
    Antwortet auf simp212

    also, this looks like pluto lol, the creepy stares even checks out, minus the violet eyes of course

    Ch 247 Chapter 215: Meanwhile, Smith Medicals. 2015 CE
    Marvel: Breezing Through History as an Eternal
    Filme · mark_kiple